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If I were Fascist dictator of Japan

  1. #1
    I would:

    *Ban characters and switch to Romaji or Hangul
    *Ban rice farming, import it
    *Raise sheep and cattle in the mountains like white folks
    *Build low-cost family housing on the freed up land
    *Go all EV (Japan has no oil)
    *Build lots of nuke plants and hydro
    *Tax breaks for having kids, no tax after 4
    *Gov't matchmaking service
    *Tax breaks for moving to Hokkaido (it's no worse than upstate NY)
    *Kick the girls out of the men's colleges and educate boys for good jobs
    *Reform inefficient retailing
    *Ban masks (they do no good but the Japs love them)
    *Eugenics, people are more willing to have kids if they know they won't get stuck with a spaz

    You'd have to crush the commies and farm lobby. They always team up to stop anything from being built.

    Fun fact: If the Japs had been more adventurous, they could have discovered New Zealand and created Japan 2.
  2. #2
    Bradley Dogsbane
    Instead you're just an old opinionated American. Checks out.
  3. #3
    igbo Tuskegee Airman [cringe your preliminary chenopodium]
    Originally posted by Tab Numlock Fun fact: If the Japs had been more adventurous, they could have discovered New Zealand and created Japan 2.

    you would consider a japanese new zealand to be adventurous? japan went and STOLE themselves a whole empire in SE asia. the land mass of new zealand a third of the size of manchuria.
  4. #4
    Originally posted by igbo you would consider a japanese new zealand to be adventurous? japan went and STOLE themselves a whole empire in SE asia. the land mass of new zealand a third of the size of manchuria.

    They used white weapons to create an empire they couldn't keep.

    If they had DISCOVERED NZ centuries ago, it would today be a Jap colony.

    But then, the chinks never bothered colonizing Taiwan until the Dutch and Portuguese were already there. I'm sure they knew about the north coast of OZ but didn't explore it southward to find the better climates.
  5. #5
    Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]
    Ban karate.
  6. #6
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    You're sick. Tokyo medical school has already been exposed for taking points away from women on entrance exams and giving them to men. Good jobs should be for people who are good enough, you're just mad you never will be.
  7. #7
    Originally posted by Dirtbag You're sick. Tokyo medical school has already been exposed for taking points away from women on entrance exams and giving them to men. Good jobs should be for people who are good enough, you're just mad you never will be.

    Whites and E Asians are dying out. Part of the reason is men don't have enuf good paying jobs and women waste half of their child-bearing years getting bullshit college degrees. They work at their bullshit job until 35 when they think about maybe having one kid. Half of them can't.
  8. #8
    BTW, medicine is largely a racket. Doctors kill as many people as they cure. To the extent it actually works, it weakens the race.

    China mainly uses traditional medicine which is basically placebo. They live as long as Westerners. They have Western doctors but they are particularly deadly.

    I would go with a Pinochet-style system combined with eugenics.

  9. #9
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Tab Numlock Whites and E Asians are dying out. Part of the reason is men don't have enuf good paying jobs and women waste half of their child-bearing years getting bullshit college degrees. They work at their bullshit job until 35 when they think about maybe having one kid. Half of them can't.

    You're dying out because women do not want you and have the choice not to be. Why don't you blame employers for not paying enough? Wanting women to be forced to be with men they dislike instead of following their dreams is cruelty and why women don't want men like you.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. #10
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    It doesn't even make sense you want more babies and for the economy to grow but because women can have work there's not enough jobs for you. Maybe you should stop having babies.
  11. #11
    Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Dirtbag You're dying out because women do not want you and have the choice not to be. Why don't you blame employers for not paying enough? Wanting women to be forced to be with men they dislike instead of following their dreams is cruelty and why women don't want men like you.

    No real man wants you because you have a dick.
  12. #12
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Men like you have no empathy and are okay with women being unhappy and they don't want men like that. Just let natural selection do its thing.
  13. #13
    Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Men like you have no empathy and are okay with women being unhappy and they don't want men like that. Just let natural selection do its thing.

    Men like me want a woman not a man dressed like a woman.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. #14
    We Nazis will create a special breed of pig that can poop out genetically engineered white babbies 10 at a time for $35ea.

    Pigs are the domesticated animal most closely related to humans. People used to use pig insulin and skin grafts. I think they still use pig heart valves.

    Yes, we old red-boarders spell it "babbies" to flush out the noobs. Tradition dies hard.
  15. #15
    Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Tab Numlock We Nazis will create a special breed of pig that can poop out genetically engineered white babbies 10 at a time for $35ea.

    Pigs are the domesticated animal most closely related to humans. People used to use pig insulin and skin grafts. I think they still use pig heart valves.

    Yes, we old red-boarders spell it "babbies" to flush out the noobs. Tradition dies hard.

    Raise them in the southern boarder and let them go feral in Mexico.
  16. #16
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    It doesn't even matter what BS conspiracies you believe, at the end of the day you lack empathy and no woman will ever love you because of that. The world is better off without you chimpanzees, but instead a lot of good women will die because of your policies. You've driven them to self-sterilisation. The only women left populating this world will be ones you don't want.
  17. #17
    Updated with:

    *Ban characters and switch to Romaji or Hangul

    If young people spend less time memorizing characters, they can get out of school quicker and start making babbies.
  18. #18
    Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Dirtbag The only women left populating this world will be ones you don't want.

    If that comes true you'll be there.
  19. #19
    Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Originally posted by Tab Numlock I would:

    *Ban characters and switch to Romaji or Hangul

    You absolute barbarian!
  20. #20
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    mfw the symbol of fascists is a bumble of sticks i.e a faggot
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