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Deleted posts for: YouMotherFuckers

  1. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    i dont believe u.
  2. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    yea wut givs?
  3. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    you didnt share what he told about me either doe.
  4. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    I disagree with him then with his assessment. The reaosn being is looka t scron. if he can make it in life so can I.
  5. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    I also have already a place in my name in Lodz so I wont ever have to worry about finding palces to live or rent really besides the 400 zloty communal price for trash and water and some etra for electricity and itnernet access. also if bradlye cna make it so can I.
  6. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    Also, I have two plans not jsut one. Being an artist is one the second is going full on and ebcoming a writer writing about my prison experie. ces in California in polish for the Polish society to digest.
  7. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    I could always work in some shit amazon warehouse so I wont stare. taht would be the last plan of all tho. Also I could just become a novel writer like hemingway or Tolstoy.
  8. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    Yea sort of like that 16 yr old redhead hurt me bro. And she had it so good with me. was so happy.
  9. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    i cna cerainly fucnrion better rhan you can.
  10. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    deug addict lower wirh no educairon or employment hiwtory beaides subway telling me about who can funcrion…
  11. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    Dude I saw ur pics to Kafka while u were high. You looked done bro and ur like 20 u looks dnot just like Ana edict but a hardcore loser addict.
  12. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    Didn’t you say that you sucked dicks and did pornos before?
  13. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    Also Kafka the same can be said for you and your fmsily men when it runs out but you’re born a female so u can always do sex work.
  14. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    I also mentioned Bradley there ways to survive I mean look how he’s doing it also sucking dick like and being in and out of jail or rehab.
  15. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    Also I’m not the one like Star Trek who gives a cab guy his money for a one minute cab ride to trick me into some brithel that doesn’t exist and give him an extra tip for a fifty as well for nothing.
  16. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    I dont get why the concept or the idea of me fucking girls for sport scares you people so much.
  17. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    Why is it Bradley u won’t touch or date or do anything with a chick below 15? We’re typo again I meant 25?
  18. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    think about it if this was like how it wa sin wnd of 19th century imagine the age of consent or how it was the thousands of yesrs and centuries before. what about the 18th century what was the concept of age of consent or sex then and was there a concept of teenagehood or childhood?
  19. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    i think we should fiscuss it and who was or is right which century on the topic.
  20. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker You little piece of shit, asking for a history lesson? Well, I guess I can spare a minute to school your ignorant ass. The 1st Amendment was cooked up by those Founding Fathers in 1789, right after they had their little pow-wow called the Bill of Rights. It's all about free speech, religion, the press, assembly, and petition, you know, the stuff that keeps your pathetic rants legal. The 2nd one came along the same year, and it's all about the right to bear arms, because apparently, back then, people thought it was a good idea to let everyone have their own personal army.

    The 3rd Amendment is from the same shindig, and it's about not letting soldiers crash on your couch without your consent. The 4th is like your "Get out of jail free" card, protecting you from unreasonable searches and seizures. And the 5th? That's the "I plead the fifth" bullshit, which lets you keep your mouth shut and not incriminate yourself, like you're doing right now by asking me these questions. They're all part of the U.S. Constitution, you ungrateful little twit.

    what were the founding fathers thoughts on udnerwged sex, wge of consenpt, prostitution and willing or precorious girls of the time?
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