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It's not women's fault you're lonely
2025-01-21 at 12:22 AM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2025-01-21 at 12:30 AM UTCmigtows will NEVER recover from this
2025-01-21 at 2:26 AM UTCYes, you aren't entitled to a partner of the opposite sex. Work on being a better person, incels. Maybe you can be love-capable some day.
2025-01-21 at 2:31 AM UTC"people feel socially isolated, vote to fix it"
2025-01-21 at 3:06 AM UTCIm not lonely but even if i were, itd probably be my fault
2025-01-21 at 3:33 AM UTC
Originally posted by CASPER Im not lonely but even if i were, itd probably be my fault
It's not even an issue of fault. It's moral. You can have a personality issue that causes loneliness, and it's OK and it's perhaps even your own "fault" (hate that word), but it's not a moral failing. This is how it is with most females who are lonely. They are doing the best they can but have been let down. Society has failed to provide a nurturing environment in which to thrive.
Whereas chauvinists and sexists and racists/anti-semites spread a toxic and repellant ideology, then wonder why no one wants anything to do with them. This is the case with most incels and males with reported loneliness. You cover yourselves with manure then wonder why no one wants to be around. Your toxicity more than accounts for your nasty repellant nature. -
2025-01-21 at 3:42 AM UTCI blame others and never look into the mirror
2025-01-23 at 10:50 AM UTCI disagree with what he said at the end. Women don't have to help men, other men should.
https://www.liberalcurrents.com/swiping-left-on-maga/ -
2025-01-23 at 10:51 AM UTCOp only talks about hating men
2025-01-23 at 10:51 AM UTCWhere’s the fun? Why so boring kafka?
2025-01-23 at 10:58 AM UTC
2025-01-23 at 10:59 AM UTCI wana go to dentist
2025-01-23 at 11 AM UTCwrong, nobody wants to go to the dentist
2025-01-23 at 11:03 AM UTC
2025-01-23 at 11:03 AM UTC
2025-01-23 at 11:05 AM UTCCrispy don't ever let a man tell you how you feel.
2025-01-23 at 11:07 AM UTC
2025-01-23 at 11:09 AM UTC
2025-01-23 at 11:09 AM UTC
2025-01-23 at 11:12 AM UTC
Originally posted by Crispy I need to, so i want to. My nerve hurts me
You don't have to explain to him why. Saying your feelings are wrong is what abusers do to make you start doubting yourself. Saying nobody wants to go is a way to make you believe there's something wrong with you. Aldra hates women and is a gaslighter.