2025-01-14 at 6:44 PM UTC
How would you feel if the chick you took to a pub or were getting drinks for or took out took a poop in the toilet while you waited?
2025-01-14 at 6:45 PM UTC
Or she was done so long kept you waiting in a toilet you think to yourself what else could she be doing nib there but poop?
2025-01-14 at 6:50 PM UTC
Yeah get it all out đŸ˜‰ take as long as you need because my entire fist is going up there later
2025-01-14 at 6:53 PM UTC
I would understand that's part of life since I'm not an immature little boy.
2025-01-14 at 9:04 PM UTC
Were you disappointed that she didnt shit on your chest and then cover you with shit and call you a poopy baby bitch boy?