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Clearing Up Confusion: What is Fascism?
2025-01-14 at 2:54 AM UTCHi there. Once again, I am going to attempt to define another term that is often misused as a pejorative against things that people don't like. Not too long ago, I had a conversation with a friend in which he said that former USA president Donald Trump is a "Fascist". However, when I asked him to explain what a fascist is, he told me to look it up! Hopefully this post will clear up some misconceptions and define some of the general characteristics of Fascism.
DISCLAIMER: In order to properly describe what Fascism is, I will have to use language that is also ambiguous, I will try to avoid doing this as much as possible.
DISCLAIMER 2: I am attempting to be as unbiased as possible in this, let me know down below if any bias shows. I don't favor/like Fascism in any way shape or form, nor do I dislike it.
Fascism: Mussolini's Definition.
In 1932, Mussolini and Gentile wrote an entry for the Italian Encyclopedia describing what his view of Fascism is. Because Mussolini is one of the progenitors of Fascist ideology, most branches of Fascism share many commonalities with Mussolini's Fascism.
Therefore, I think it is most important to define Mussolini's Version of Fascism, as in my previous post I defined Karl Marx and Frederick Engel's version of Communism, as their version of it was also the progenitor of the majority of communist ideology.
Here is a link to Mussolini and Gentile's definition of Fascism from 1932:
In this definition, there are a few key takeaway that I will address below:
- Mussolini's Fascism clearly rejects the pursuit of perpetual peace, and supposits that war should be pursued by men as a means to not only individual glory, but for the glory of the state which they fight for.
- Mussolini's Fascists generally embrace the concept of duty to ones family, but also to the state. They also embrace the struggle of militaristic conquest in order to better the state. This idea can be seen in many Fascist societies, namely in Italy and Germany, especially from 1938-1945.
- Mussolini's Fascists generally believe that society should be ruled by an elite, as opposed to "rule by the people" commonly seen in representative democracies. Mussolini's definition states that, "Fascism denies that the majority, by the simple fact that it is a majority, can direct human society".
- Mussolini's definition of Fascism states that, "Fascism conceives of the State as an absolute, in comparison with which all individuals or groups are relative, only to be conceived of in their relation to the State.", asserting that all citizens of a state are subordinate to said state.
Aspects of Fascism in Practice:
Here I will go through some of the aspects of consequences that are not addressed in Mussolini's definition, and are instead seen in practice and in historical records.
IMPORTANT: I did not do a section like this for Communism because Communism is not just a political ideology, but also an Economic Framework, the ladder which has never been implemented in any nation as of yet. Fascism is solely a political ideology/movement, the aspects and policies of which have been implemented in societies to a sufficient extent for such societies to be considered Fascist.
- Fascist societies often have a dictatorial leader, who is either Authoritarian or Totalitarian in nature. (The difference between the 2 is that Authoritarian States/ Rulers often tolerate some degree of autonomy concerning institutions, corporations, and citizens, while Totalitarian States/ Rulers allow no autonomy to any of these).
Nazi Germany was a totalitarian state. Hitler merged the presidency and the chancellorship, granting himself a great degree of authority and effectively eliminating the system of checks and balances concerning the 2 branches of government. Nazi Germany also brutally suppressed political dissidents, some of which where sent to the infamous concentration camps.
- Fascist societies often exhibit Racial Supremacism, or the belief that ones race/ ethnicity is superior to others.
Imperial Japan was a Racial Supremacist State. For the Majority of WW2, the Japanese Press was extraordinarily racist towards those who where not Yamato Japanese, especially against Chinese and Americans. During Japan's industrialization and rise to great power status, China had failed to industrialize and modernize it's institution, leading to deep societal and political dysfunction. This descent into chaos was a primary cause for Japanese Anti-Chinese sentiment which was exacerbated by media framing.
- Militarism/Imperialism is prominent in many fascist societies. This is acknowledged in the definition above as well. Fascist ideologies tend to emphasize the importance of a strong military, while condemning pacifism as cowardly and describing it as an indication of decadence in a society. They also emphasize imperialism, which is the extension of a nations influence and power by conquering other lands/peoples.
Fascist Italy is a prime example of this. Before WW2, Italy sought to extend it's sphere of influence across the Mediterranean and into Africa. This led to their conquests of Libya, Albania, and eventually Abyssinia (Ethiopia + Eritrea, essentially). This can also be seen in their desire to conquer the Yugoslavian coast.
- Fascist societies tend to be ultranationalist, which is the prioritization of a nation and it's people above all other nations, sometimes to detrimental effect to other nations.
Nazi Germany was ultranationalist. This can be seen in the numerous treaties that where broken by Hitler and his regime, even amongst allies. A few examples are the termination of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact and the repeated violations of the treaty of Versailles via the annexation of the Sudetenland and of Austria.
Common Misconceptions About Fascism:
1: Fascism is a "Left-Leaning" ideology.
- People often think this because some Fascist societies have implemented socialist policies, Nazi Germany comes to mind for most. However, while they may have done this, Fascist Ideology is fundamentally opposed to Socialism and especially to Communism. This is evident in the fascist belief in Capitalism as the "best" economic framework. See Mussolini's definition of Fascism above for more info on how Fascism is directly opposed to Communism.
2: Violence = Fascism.
- I'm not sure why people believe this, but I have talked to some people who do. While the violent suppression of political dissidents (and of certain ethnic groups in racial supremacist societies) is a part of Fascism, that does not mean that Violence in a society is indicative of Fascism. Stalin had political dissidents killed too. More often than not it is an indicator of an Authoritarian/Totalitarian society.
Might come back and edit this, please comment if I got anything wrong/ typos/ grammatical errors. For now I'm going to go shower and go to lunch with a friend.
Also let me know if any bias/ personal opinion slips out. Thanks guys, hope this is informative and you enjoy reading it. -
2025-01-14 at 2:55 AM UTCChange my name to RDB SLOWSTROKE
2025-01-14 at 3:51 AM UTCIt depends on who it relates to. If you're an industrialist it's a chance to exploit workers as trade unions will be dissolved. Fascists often have expansionist aims which means a war economy. Ordinary people who vote for fascism are bloodthirsty cucks, they're submissive to authority and want to be able to hurt people like women and minorities. They give up control of their lives for a fake sense of control in their own homes, but really they're reduced to chattel. In a fascist state your only roles are to work, breed or fight. Everything is reduced to that. If you're infertile or have undesirable traits like alcoholism or different political views you get euthanised. Nazi Germamy literally had breeding camps and parents were lied to about where their children were. Having children outside of marriage was promoted. The Nazis tried to euthanise Germans just because they were elderly or injured in war. They succeeded for awhile until there was too much public opposition. You couldn't marry who you wanted unless the state approved of your partners heritage. It means intelligent people are going to die. Your country will also experience a brain drain from people fleeing. You'll find out soon the easy solutions they promised will cause more problems. The wellness camps for drug addicts to work unpaid on farms for four years will really be for homeless people, and they'll say they fixed homelessness and boosted the economy. It means polar bears will die. It's going to be worse than Nazi Germany because of the misogyny element. There'll be mass rapes and women killing themselves when it isn't even wartime. With the abortion ban in Texas there's actually more dead babies than there would have been if abortion was available, women are leaving them in dumpsters. The earth won't be worth saving if these chimpanzees get to commit mass murder again. They've done this repeatedly throughout history and that's why most people are scum. They're killing all the decent people.
2025-01-14 at 3:52 AM UTC
Originally posted by Dirtbag It depends on who it relates to. If you're an industrialist it's a chance to exploit workers as trade unions will be dissolved. Fascists often have expansionist aims which means a war economy. Ordinary people who vote for fascism are bloodthirsty cucks, they're submissive to authority and want to be able to hurt people like women and minorities. They give up control of their lives for a fake sense of control in their own homes, but really they're reduced to chattel. In a fascist state your only roles are to work, breed or fight. Everything is reduced to that. If you're infertile or have undesirable traits like alcoholism or different political views you get euthanised. Nazi Germamy literally had breeding camps and parents were lied to about where their children were. Having children outside of marriage was promoted. The Nazis tried to euthanise Germans just because they were elderly or injured in war. They succeeded for awhile until there was too much public opposition. You couldn't marry who you wanted unless the state approved of your partners heritage. It means intelligent people are going to die. Your country will also experience a brain drain from people fleeing. You'll find out soon the easy solutions they promised will cause more problems. The wellness camps for drug addicts to work unpaid on farms for four years will really be for homeless people, and they'll say they fixed homelessness and boosted the economy. It means polar bears will die. It's going to be worse than Nazi Germany because of the misogyny element. There'll be mass rapes and women killing themselves when it isn't even wartime. With the abortion ban in Texas there's actually more dead babies than there would have been if abortion was available, women are leaving them in dumpsters. The earth won't be worth saving if these chimpanzees get to commit mass murder again. They've done this repeatedly throughout history and that's why most people are scum. They're killing all the decent people.
Shut up, you stupid cunt -
2025-01-14 at 3:59 AM UTCMAGA need to all be killed, I'm serious. It's the only way to save this planet. They are chimpanzees and their kind have been killing off decent people throughout history. Think of all the people killing themselves right after the election, they're responsible for that and there'll be a lot more. The people they'll kill when they invade Canada and Europe. The people who won't be born because they've terrorised women into getting sterilised. The mass murder of women to come shortly because that's the only way they'll be able to exercise control over their own lives, to end it. The disabled people, political opponents and immigrants that will be murdered. The polar bears. Also my demise because I'm going to fight patriarchy to the death and their misogyny has put me off men for good. These chimpanzees all need to die, otherwise earth won't be worth saving.
2025-01-14 at 4 AM UTC
Originally posted by Dirtbag Fascists often have expansionist aims which means a war economy.
Yeah I don't know if I said it above but militarism is also usually prominent in Fascist states.
Originally posted by Dirtbag In a fascist state your only roles are to work, breed or fight. Everything is reduced to that.
This is true in any society, as far as the relationship between a citizen and the state, except you also pay the state taxes and the state offers you protection. Working and having kids are expected by citizens and by the state. Fighting in war probably depends on the circumstance.
Originally posted by Dirtbag It means polar bears will die.
Originally posted by Dirtbag They're killing all the decent people.
If "they" is Fascists, no. Fascism is dead. Neoliberalism prevailed, for now. -
2025-01-14 at 4:08 AM UTCI hope they do sterilise the alcoholics like in Nazi Germany, it will be some comfort knowing Bradley won't reproduce.
2025-01-14 at 4:11 AM UTCKof I mean everything is reduced to that. There won't be any artwork, literature or movies that aren't about working, war or family-rearing. You won't have any hobbies that aren't related to those things.
2025-01-14 at 4:14 AM UTCYou won't be able to trust your family either. Your children will be taught to be loyal to the state over their family. They're encouraged to report things their family say.
2025-01-14 at 4:19 AM UTCYou'll be machines, livestock and cannon fodder and when you're no longer useful you'll be euthanised.
2025-01-14 at 4:22 AM UTC
Originally posted by Dirtbag I hope they do sterilise the alcoholics like in Nazi Germany, it will be some comfort knowing Bradley won't reproduce.
Bradley might have a rough past but he is a good guy now and has more of a life than just about everyone on this board, he is witty, outgoing, smart, funny, and takes good care of himself. Always eating good, dressing fresh, and everyday he goes to work he directly touches the lives of people and improves their lives.
People like Bradley deserve the opportunity to have kids, I'm sure Brad would be a loving and caring father.
Originally posted by Dirtbag You won't be able to trust your family either. Your children will be taught to be loyal to the state over their family. They're encouraged to report things their family say.
I'm not really worried about it here, the USA is decentralized by virtue of having state governments. Furthermore, having a strong central government in the USA would be pretty difficult given the fact the USA is one of the largest nations on the planet and it's urban centers are not concentrated anywhere but along the east coast.
Originally posted by Dirtbag You'll be machines, livestock and cannon fodder and when you're no longer useful you'll be euthanised.
Most people already are, welcome to Neo-Feudalism. -
2025-01-14 at 4:32 AM UTC
2025-01-14 at 4:43 AM UTC
Originally posted by Dirtbag
Thanks cutie this speech is still relevant today.
"More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness."
Hitler was quite charismatic as well, I wonder how much that had to do with his rise to power.
"Dictators free themselves, but they enslave the people". - Yeah, all government does is offer security to it's citizens while politicians slowly restrict civil liberties.
Taxation is armed robbery. -
2025-01-14 at 5:04 AM UTCYou're not gonna get your democracy back. No one is going to liberate you. Elon keeps harping on about population decline so you know breeding camps will be brought back. You're at his mercy now and will wish you were in N.Korea instead.
2025-01-14 at 5:09 AM UTCtrying to define something, anything, these days in the age of "vaccines" and trannies is an exercise in futility.
in an age where vaccines no longer vaccinate, and not all women have vaginas, fascism, communism, and especially democracy, can be anything anyone with big capital proclaims them to be. -
2025-01-14 at 5:09 AM UTC
Originally posted by Dirtbag You're not gonna get your democracy back. No one is going to liberate you. Elon keeps harping on about population decline so you know breeding camps will be brought back. You're at his mercy now and will wish you were in N.Korea instead.
What are you talking about? I don't need anyone to liberate me, I'm not a whiny, helpless bitch. I'll do it myself. And nothing Elon Musk will do will impact my life in any serious way. The last time a politician effected my life in any noticeable way was 5 years ago when the minimum wage in Illinois was raised to 11$ an hour.
Also if I get put in a breeding camp I'm gonna get the guards pregnant, I'll raise an army of kids. -
2025-01-14 at 5:35 AM UTCbasically just folds social, economic, political and military power into one hierarchy.
it fundamentally appeals to the personality type that appreciates clearly-defined boundaries, direct conflict and doesn't shy away from violence. it's anathema to people that prefer vagueness, litigation and indirect manipulation - in a modern 'liberal democracy' you can lobby (bribe) the government to regulate your corporate rivals into the dust and hope they can't afford to counter-'lobby', under fascism they're just as likely to send guys around to shoot you. -
2025-01-14 at 5:42 AM UTC
Originally posted by Dirtbag You won't be able to trust your family either. Your children will be taught to be loyal to the state over their family. They're encouraged to report things their family say.
this is literally the opposite of how fascist societies have operated. they derive their strength first from improving the individual, then from close familial ties, then close social ties on the local level, then racial and political. it's all about generalising the idea of a 'common good' (regardless of what that is) and having it reinforced organically at all levels; 'secret police' are a thing but they're not inherently fascistic and top-down enforcement and reporting have typically been utilised at a much higher level in authoritarian communist societies -
2025-01-14 at 6:02 AM UTC
Originally posted by ner vegas this is literally the opposite of how fascist societies have operated. they derive their strength first from improving the individual, then from close familial ties, then close social ties on the local level, then racial and political. it's all about generalising the idea of a 'common good' (regardless of what that is) and having it reinforced organically at all levels; 'secret police' are a thing but they're not inherently fascistic and top-down enforcement and reporting have typically been utilised at a much higher level in authoritarian communist societies
They don't really improve the individual, they just push the individual to base their identity around the nation state. But yeah the state is pretty much your second family and your fellow citizens that are your ethnicity or speak your language are your 3rd. -
2025-01-14 at 6:11 AM UTC
Originally posted by Kingoftoes They don't really improve the individual, they just push the individual to base their identity around the nation state. But yeah the state is pretty much your second family and your fellow citizens that are your ethnicity or speak your language are your 3rd.
what I mean by that is that they try to improve (or, if you want to be less favourable, to control the development of) the smallest components of society, then work on progressively larger groups in a sort of soft eugenic process.
for the individual they specifically prioritise health and physical fitness, often using propaganda to encourage exercise and healthy diet, as well as social pressure to stigmatise idleness and gluttony. they then encourage people to marry and have large families young, again with propaganda and pressure but also with state funding for new families, subsidies on homes etc.
the entire point is that they want strong individuals forming strong communities as a basis for a strong state, and they utilise the natural, common male drives (desiring status, sovereignty and control over a large family - genetic destiny) in order to do that without having to directly micromanage it for the most part.