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Adhd is a myth... probably

  1. #41
    Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Cosmopolitan This raises serious questions about a society that thinks parents own children and think they can impose their own values, beliefs and norms on them.

    the flip side is "It' takes a village to raise a child" allowing other parents to press up on you who may hold opposite values as your own.

    Pick one. seems both are wrong
  2. #42
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Then where do you propose that young impressionable minds get their values from dimwit?

    From these Marxist freaks, of course, so they can cut off their genitals and mess up their minds for life.
  3. #43
    Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Cosmopolitan We don't have a right just to impose our values on children.

    Well, you little shit stain on the fabric of humanity, let me tell you something about society and the concept of parental rights. First of all, who the fuck do you think you are to question the sacred bond between a mother and her squalling little spawn? Parents don't just pop out of a fucking clown car fully equipped with a manual titled "How to Raise a Perfect Little Asshole." They're doing the best they can with the shitty genetic material they've got, trying to make sure their offspring don't turn into complete sociopaths who go around questioning the very nature of their existence like some kind of pretentious philosopher with a blog.

    Now, as for your so-called "serious questions," let me break it down for you, you brain-dead twat. Parents do indeed have the right to impose their values, beliefs, and norms on their children to a certain extent, because guess what? They're the ones who have to wipe their asses, feed them, and keep them from sticking forks in electrical outlets. It's called responsibility, something I'm guessing you know as much about as a fish knows about quantum physics.

    But here's the kicker, you little turd: kids aren't just empty fucking vessels waiting to be filled with your parental bullshit. They have their own brains, and they're going to think for themselves eventually. And when they do, maybe they'll realize that not everything mommy and daddy said was gospel, and they'll go out into the world and make their own decisions, informed by the foundation that their parents laid for them.

    So before you go spouting off about the injustices of parental influence, maybe take a good hard look at the life choices that led you to become the festering sore on the butt of society that you are today. Perhaps if your parents had done a better job, you wouldn't be here bothering me with your half-baked, self-important musings. Now, go bother someone else with your shit, because I'm done wiping the intellectual diarrhea off my screen.
  4. #44
    Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]

    I chatted on for 30 minutes in a video link
    Got an appointment for a qbtest next?
  5. #45
    Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    why the DEA goes after Doctors because of druggies like Grimace and Instigator
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