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I got a lot of meat.

  1. #1
    Enigma African Astronaut [memorize my carmelite sway]
  2. #2
    The only good meat in a can is corned beef (excluding fish in cans which is also good, and vienna sausages), beef and chicken in a can though is unholy.
  3. #3
    Bradley Florida Man
    ya i like all dat shit

    I try to stay away from pork products not because I am a kike or a Muslim but becasue I have been in the proximity to pigs and I cannot say i Want to ingest that particular animal
  4. #4
    Bradley Florida Man
    my old roommate making scalloped potato with that ham,

    i'm giving my honduran friend (who makes fire ass food for me pretty often) that stewing beef

    The chicken I make into vegetable chicken burritos and chicken sandwiches

    the beef I think I might use to make my household a taco day one of these days. IDK what holdiays are coming up none I think but I figure I wanna do soemthing for everyone at some point and easiest hting I can think of is Ground beef + Taco Seasoning + tortillas + mixed vegetables (of course) + cheese, figure I can set up a whole good ass meal for a household of 12 people for like nothing, might need 2 more cans of beef.

    Still can't believe the college just gives u 10 items and lets u take 10 meat items, I'mma clear them bitches out I don't even eat meat that fast but all this canned shit and freezer shit is good foreve rand I like buttering up my people especially the ones that cook for me by giving them meat

    I love giving tubes of meat to happy hondurans
  5. #5
    Sounds like an AIDS-fest
  6. #6
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    i only have 84 sausage links and 14 ribeyes, all my canned meat is to old for me to eat, i'm saving it to trade with after the apocalips
  7. #7
    out of date canned meat is great to donate to the local church harvest festival food drive, it goes to the poor/homeless and elderly...FUCK THOSE LOSERS
  8. #8
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    A hairy goblin mommy that stinks of meat sweat wearing a loin cloth and chomping on a fresh grilled giant mutton shank holding you down with her powerful legs and getting ready to have your penis for dessert
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