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Challenge for Sophie
2015-09-22 at 6:32 AM UTC
2015-09-22 at 6:43 AM UTCSup Fed? How mission control?
2015-09-22 at 7:03 AM UTC>password protected archive
>implied child porn
I hope you're ready to get v& cuz if there's anything illegal in that file you gonna be getting to know bubba _real_ well -
2015-09-22 at 11:54 AM UTCLol, i think i know who you are and i've seen your passwords before nig, so if i'm right it's gonna be a random long ass string of characters that will take over 9000 hours to crack.
Can't decide if you're trolling. But i got an idea. BRB.>password protected archive
>implied child porn
Read above. -
2015-09-22 at 12:07 PM UTCPPP is such a tease. -_-"
2015-09-22 at 3:19 PM UTC
2015-09-22 at 3:55 PM UTCOn the bright side, when i went to the shopping centre just now there were lots of lolis, since school was just out. But there was one particular one who caught my eye. An oriental girl, slightly dark skinned couldn't have been older than 5. She had long dark hair, beautiful big brown eyes. And she was so tiny, now i probably wouldn't bang her but she was so cute i just wanted to cuddle her. If i was more of a creep i would have taken a picture but since i'm not a description and a memory will have to suffice.
She was a QTÏ€ for sure though. -
2015-09-22 at 8:21 PM UTCI deciphered it:
 -
2015-09-22 at 11:17 PM UTC
I deciphered it:
Calm down Spectral. -
2015-09-23 at 10:52 PM UTCAnyway, i've been looking into this seems there is no feasible way of doing this. I imagine if there was you wouldn't use this method. There was one commandline tool that did it but the catch was the file names had to be unprotected. Considering 7z encryption is pretty hardcore, using more than 6 charactyers as a password will almost make it impossible to actually do this. Knowing you, you used a lot more characters than that.
Any way encryption wins teh day, at least you're not getting vanned any time soon which is good. Do i at least get bonus points for effort? -
2015-09-24 at 6:13 PM UTChigh level computer sciency password decryption for the sake of obtaining CP pictures? this is practically the pinnacle of evil
2015-09-24 at 6:18 PM UTCthis thread is this video
2015-09-24 at 6:29 PM UTC
high level computer sciency password decryption for the sake of obtaining CP pictures? this is practically the pinnacle of evil
It's a vid from the size of the archive, and probably a good one. Totally worth it, especially considering two big CP sites were taken down pretty recently so pickings have been slim. I got at least 10gb of material but PPP has a three terrabyte drive because he is of the compulsive collector kind lolololol. -
2015-09-24 at 6:33 PM UTCAlso, i know 'advanced' computer stuff seems like black magic to the lay person but it looks more fancy than it really is.
2015-09-24 at 6:35 PM UTCthat feel when someone finds your 3 terabytes of CP
2015-09-24 at 6:47 PM UTC
that feel when someone finds your 3 terabytes of CP
Do you really think it will be that easy? I got mine encrypted within a hidden volume with VeraCrypt and a 32 character password. PPP Has his on a separate drive which is even more secure than storing it on your main rig, plus if you use a hidden volume you have plausible deniability. You just give an adversary the password to the outer volume in which you've stored suspicious looking things that you actually don't care about. There is no feasible way to prove that within this outer volume there's another hidden volume. -
2015-09-24 at 6:50 PM UTCso these people are just your chomo friends that you invited here, sophist?
replenishing our userbase with molesters to make up for the lack of trannys -
2015-09-24 at 6:54 PM UTC
so these people are just your chomo friends that you invited here, sophist?
replenishing our userbase with molesters to make up for the lack of trannys
Which people? PPP is most likely inb4lock. I know my nigga' lock.
2015-09-24 at 7:01 PM UTCI can't remember the username right now of who I was specifically referring to
just seems like there are a lot of you around these days
2015-09-24 at 7:03 PM UTC
I can't remember the username right now of who I was specifically referring to
just seems like there are a lot of you around these days
I'd name them all, but i'm not sure if they'd appreciate that. I know for certain though that there were at least 6 of us on redfern, on zoklet there were more. I'll name one person you'd never suspect though, HTS-Noob remember him? Talked a great deal about it with him on TC. And since i don't quite consider him my friend i feel no apprehension in naming his username. That's one of the benefits of being open about it, all the other people that secretly think the same start coming out the woodworks, good way to get connections.