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Motherfuckers be stepping on toes and shit

  1. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson ..or it's just a dumb book and you have bad taste…the possibilities are endless.

    I generally only read non-fiction.

    They sure are. I'm not into chicks or anything but the main girl in the TV adaptation is soooo hot. She's like stick skinny but she makes it work!

    You only read non-fiction? Are you a masochist ? I much prefer fiction. NPR mentions cool sounding non-fiction books sometimes but I've yet to check them out for myself.

    I recently purchased my first non-fiction book since....Remedial Math for Dumbshits Grade 12. My senior year textbook..

    So, my recent purchase was an autobiography on Catherine the Great.

    It's a tough read though, my husband also prefers non-fiction. He's probably on the Afghanistan subreddit right now or catching up with the happenings in Gaza.

    EDIT: forgot literally 1 fucking letter leading to a grammatical error
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