User Controls

Poll: Would you use either of the described features?

  • Fuck yes!
  • No, I'm like Spectral and have the entire internet written on my forehead backwards so I can read on the reflection in my cathode ray monitor.

Favorites or Notepad

  1. #1
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    A feature in your user profile where you could save links to say 10 to 20 threads or posts. Or as an alternative a note pad in your user profile where you can store and edit as many characters as the current post limit.
  2. #2
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    submit a pill

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  3. #3
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Fax? Why don't I just send it over on a dinosaur?
  4. #4
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Fax? Why don't I just send it over on a dinosaur?

    I'd like to see your dinosaur prepare a cover page as nice as I do

    At VoteAmerica, we work to help Americans register to vote, and request vote-by-mail (also known as absentee) ballots. We use technology to remove barriers to voting and make sure that everyone can vote safely, easily, and securely.

    The 2020 election will be like no other: with a global pandemic, we anticipate a massive increase in the number of Americans who will vote by mail this November, and we’re making sure that requesting a mail-in ballot is as accessible as possible. Requesting a ballot can be difficult: in many states, you need to print a form, sign it, and mail it – and very few households have access to a printer, especially with so many people working from home. In 19 states, voters can request a ballot online via an official state system. And 11 more states – covering over 50 million voters – allow you to submit a ballot application via email or fax.

    And it’s those 11 states that we’ll focus on in this post: states where you can submit your application electronically… if you have the technical know-how to scan your signature onto the paperwork and email it or fax it. And in a few of these states (like Kansas and New Hampshire), email isn’t an option: you have to use a fax machine (and who has access to a fax machine at home any more?). Even in states that typically allow you to email your application, some counties have been so overwhelmed by the volume of email that they’ve temporarily stopped accepting emailed applications.

    So at VoteAmerica, we set out to build a system that makes it easy for voters to fax their ballot applications, to help voters in states that don’t accept email or counties where the email systems aren’t working. And that’s where we ran into a tough technical problem: how to reliably send faxes. We have to be very, very sure that our faxes are going through: a lost application means that a voter could be waiting for a ballot that never comes. Twilio offers a simple, easy API for sending faxes – so what’s the tough part?
    How Faxes Work (And Don’t Work)

    Fax machines work via the telephone network. When you send a fax, you’re actually making a phone call – but rather than connecting two people to each other to talk, you’re connecting two fax machines. The sending fax machine scans the document and encodes it for transmission over the phone line, and the receiving fax machine decodes the document and prints it.
  5. #5
    Bradley Florida Man
    Would you support a blog section where you can write personal blogs about yourself, follow other bloggers and developing a blogosphere without leaving the comfort of your computer chair!

    Think of the networking opportunities.
  6. #6
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    like twitter?
  7. #7
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Bradley Would you support a blog section where you can write personal blogs about yourself, follow other bloggers and developing a blogosphere without leaving the comfort of your computer chair!

    Think of the networking opportunities.

  8. #8
    Originally posted by Bradley Would you support a blog section where you can write personal blogs about yourself, follow other bloggers and developing a blogosphere without leaving the comfort of your computer chair!

    Think of the networking opportunities.

    What motivates people to share every fucking moment of their life with strangers...the whole blog bullshit is beyond me..and what kind of twat likes to read other peoples bullshit?

    I mean it's been demonstrated on here with kafka giving us a play by play of her day, got up at 10am, fed the cat, went to the library...etc etc...OMFG the insanity of advertising your inane existence and expecting others to be interested in it.

    Just stick to posting tits ass and vag pics if you want attention etc.
  9. #9
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    import socket
    def delete_gov():
    # This will disconnect all sockets on the local machine from any server in the .gov domain, effectively "deleting" that domain for that machine.
    for s in socket.getaddrinfo(0, 0, "*.gov", 0): # Replace "getaddrinfo" with "socket.socket" if you want to use a different method of creating sockets (e.g., TCP or UDP)
  10. #10
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson What motivates people to share every fucking moment of their life with strangers…the whole blog bullshit is beyond me..and what kind of twat likes to read other peoples bullshit?

    I mean it's been demonstrated on here with kafka giving us a play by play of her day, got up at 10am, fed the cat, went to the library…etc etc…OMFG the insanity of advertising your inane existence and expecting others to be interested in it.

    Just stick to posting tits ass and vag pics if you want attention etc.

    says the blogposter lmao

    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I got a warning last night about a post I made it was categorized as being removed for "sexual content aimed at a minor".

    The comment was in response to a question "What would be the first think you'd buy if you won the lottery"…posted by an adult..not a minor.
    I responded "A BJ on a boat".

    …that was it.

    How the hell is that "sexual content aimed at a minor"???

    I challenged the ruling and their decision was upheld.

    Fucking recockulous.
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