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The Joys of citrus water.
2024-07-28 at 5:52 PM UTCFolks I try to drink a glass of lime water or lemon water everyday. I feel its really good for me and I like the taste.
I don't add sugar but I do like ice in it. I use half a lemon or half a lime and then I eat hte pulp too. -
2024-07-28 at 6:18 PM UTCi'm more of a fan of cucumber water myself
2024-07-28 at 6:23 PM UTC
Originally posted by Bradley Folks I try to drink a glass of lime water or lemon water everyday. I feel its really good for me and I like the taste.
I don't add sugar but I do like ice in it. I use half a lemon or half a lime and then I eat hte pulp too.
I just got a brand new lime juicer, works wonders. I prefer fresh lime juice as opposed to bottled lime juice. Makes water that much better. -
2024-07-28 at 6:24 PM UTCoh ya i'm doing this all with real fresh limes and lemons, I don't like the little bottles of the shit.
what's a lime juicer? Is that just the handle squeezer thing? I have one of those I use frequently. -
2024-07-28 at 6:26 PM UTC
2024-07-28 at 6:28 PM UTCi broke the plastic one because I literally used it how you're supposed to and I remember thinking how fucking stupid to make something that uses pressure to squeeze something otu of plastic. THe handle literally shattered and I am not like HE MAN HAND STRENGTH GOD or anything
2024-07-28 at 6:35 PM UTCCan you hear the methpipes calling?
2024-07-28 at 6:39 PM UTCYou know regular meth smoking eats up your teeth and causes meth mouth right? I'm sure you've seen my teeth but if you haven't I will tell u, i have nice teeth because I do not smoke meth.
Yes I do it occasionally but Im not a fan honestly. I like snorting it. I also have smoked crack in the past but I don't mind like that either, I prefer snorting cocaine.
OR SHOVING IT IN MY ASS. I also have shot up both but don't like that ROA either. Snorting it is my preference. But I haven't in like half a year and feel healthier. -
2024-07-28 at 6:56 PM UTCmeth smoke is actually caustic/basic because you are HEATING UP the hcl/sulfate salt which converts it into a freebase vapor which you then inhale
if you ran that smoke through a piece of PH paper it would turn blue
I think this is why tekheads always like a can of coke or soda pops with phosphoric acid because it neutralizes the PH
you know it's hard drug abuse when you have to start regularly checking the ph levels of your head -
2024-07-28 at 6:58 PM UTCya i'd rather just snort it directly into my face and go from there
2024-07-28 at 7:11 PM UTCI thought snorting it would somehow convert it to freebase form in the nose or something because it tastes caustic no matter what route i've consumed it, and i've tried them all. The burning from snorting does not feel like an acid burn, but I guess it always has been
Inhalation (Smoking): When methamphetamine hydrochloride is smoked, it vaporizes and is inhaled into the lungs. The heat can convert some of the methamphetamine hydrochloride into freebase form, which is more volatile and easily absorbed through the alveoli in the lungs into the bloodstream.
Insufflation (Snorting): When methamphetamine hydrochloride is snorted, it is absorbed through the nasal mucous membranes. The mucous membranes can absorb both the salt form and the freebase form. The hydrochloride salt is water-soluble and dissolves in the mucous, allowing it to be absorbed into the bloodstream. -
2024-07-28 at 7:13 PM UTCSo having a blue PH level in your head isn't a good thing?
2024-07-28 at 7:27 PM UTCThis thread makes me want to do a .1 line and clean my old apartment
2024-07-28 at 11 PM UTC
Originally posted by Bradley Folks I try to drink a glass of lime water or lemon water everyday. I feel its really good for me and I like the taste.
I don't add sugar but I do like ice in it. I use half a lemon or half a lime and then I eat hte pulp too.
Drink a gallon of Florida Water then (Religious)
hope you're not allergic to sage. -
2024-07-29 at 6 AM UTC
2024-07-29 at 6:30 AM UTC
Originally posted by Bradley You know regular meth smoking eats up your teeth and causes meth mouth right? I'm sure you've seen my teeth but if you haven't I will tell u, i have nice teeth because I do not smoke meth.
Yes I do it occasionally but Im not a fan honestly. I like snorting it. I also have smoked crack in the past but I don't mind like that either, I prefer snorting cocaine.
OR SHOVING IT IN MY ASS. I also have shot up both but don't like that ROA either. Snorting it is my preference. But I haven't in like half a year and feel healthier.
Don't you prefer boofing semen?