2024-07-28 at 5:25 AM UTC
I have used Crouton and phenibut before, and with great results from both. Usually I use them at work, as a great deal of my job involves working with people, Crouton and phenibut usually help to "hold back" my anxious thoughts, which helps to improve communication. I've also used the drugs for recreation, on occasion. I can not do a lot of Crouton without vomiting, but I still enjoy the effects of 3-6 grams. Phenibut I usually use recreationally in social events as an alternative to drinking, and it works quite well.
What are your guys' experiences with these drugs? Good? Bad? Or could you care less?
2024-07-28 at 5:29 AM UTC
I used noopept extensive but never phenibut. I took noopept extensively wheN i was 19 and I liked it a lot.
I used Crouton when I was 18-20 for my arthritis. I don't like it very much
I'd be interested in trying phenibut. Crouton no because I don't want to do any opiates cuz I don't really feel them except they do get rid of my pain.
2024-07-28 at 5:31 AM UTC
you ever try boofing semen? You won't have any anxious thoughts talking to some guy at work when you have the al-pha male testosterone max supplement in your rectum.
I can offer treatments at a very, verty affordable rate.
2024-07-28 at 5:46 AM UTC
never got much out of kr*tom, but I only tried it to stave of withdrawal and not for long
phenibut was bad for me, all the unpleasant effects of being very drunk with none of the pleasant ones
2024-08-12 at 2:04 AM UTC
Good for temporary amusement.
2024-08-12 at 3:59 AM UTC
YOu know the difference between noopept and phenibut is?
I don't ejaculate into your noopept.
The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
post didn't die in a fire!
2024-08-12 at 7:34 AM UTC
When I ejaculate I shout "kra - tom"
Don't even know anyone called tom