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Important Rivers

  1. #1
    Kingoftoes Tuskegee Airman
    Below are some economically important rivers. These rivers either serve as a source of water for agriculture, the transportation of goods, the production of hydroelectricity, for drinking water, or for other needs.

    Mississippi River:

    - Annually, 420 Million metric tons of freight are transported on the Mississippi River.
    - The Mississippi River carries 60% of U.S. grain shipments.
    - The Mississippi river carries 22% of oil and gas shipments.

    Parana River:

    - 100 million tons of cargo are transported through the Parana-Paraguay Rivers system annually.
    - nearly 80% of Paraguayan trade is transported via the Parana River.
    - the Itaipu Dam is located on this river, the 2nd largest hydroelectric power plant in the world.

    Rio Grande:

    -An estimated 1.8 million acres of crop and pastureland were irrigated with the Rio Grande's waters in 2006.
    - The Rio Grande provides drinking water to around 7 million people.
    -The RIo Grande was partly used as a geographic feature to use as a border between the USA and Mexico.

    Amazon River:

    - The Amazon River is both the longest river in the world and the largest river by water discharge.
    - The Amazon River is responsible for about 20% of the Earth's fresh water entering the ocean.

    St. Lawrence River:

    - The St. Lawrence River is (obviously) a vital component of the St. Lawrence Seaway, which is vital for trade between the US and Canada, as well as to Canadian overseas trade. It is connected to the Great Lakes, allowing cargo to be shipped from the Gulf of St. Lawrence all the way to Duluth, Minnesota.

    Nile River:

    -The Nile Basin is home to a significant amount of irrigated agriculture, with an estimated 5.4 million hectares of equipped area. Egypt has the highest cropping intensity, with approximately 79% of the total cropped area under irrigated agriculture in the Nile Basin.
    - The Aswan High Dam is located on the Nile River. It is one of the largest embankment dams in the world, with a total installed capacity of 2100 megawatts, and it produced 1750 megawatts in 2019.

    The Rhine River:

    -It is estimated that the Rhine River transports over 200 million tons of goods annually.
    -20% of the world's chemical industry is located in the Rhine River Basin.

    Danube River:

    -The Danube is a source of drinking water for around 20 million people.
    - The Iron Gate damn produces 10.89 Terawatt hours of electricity annually.

    Volga River:

    - The Volga River is the longest river in Europe
    - The Volga River carries more than 2/3 of Russia's traffic on their inland waterways.
    - The dams situated on the Volga River produce 11 million Kilowatts per hour collectively.

    Mekong River:

    -The Mekong River has 371 damns along it's length, with 168 of them in Thailand alone.
    -Aquatic biodiversity in the Mekong River system is the 2nd highest in the world, the highest being the Amazon River system.

    Ganges River:

    -The Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna basin has a hydroelectric potential of around 200,000-250,000 megawatts.
    - The Ganges river provides water to 40% of India's population.

    Yangtze River:

    -The Yangtze Delta area generates around 20% of China's GDP.
    -The Yangtze River has 700+ tributaries.
    -The Yangtze River Economic Belt holds 36% of China's water resources, and provides drinking water to 400 million people.
    - The Three Gorges Dam is located on the Yangtze River, it is has the highest installed capacity of any hydroelectric power station in the world, clocking in at around 22500 Megawatts.
  2. #2
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    The meikai delta
  3. #3
    Bradley Florida Man
    Geopolitically - The Jordan River

    To me - The Milwaukee River, The Brule, Winneconne River system

    you didn't mention the Yella Riva or the Euphrates/Tigris which historically were born birthing civilizaitons

    Also the river of sweat that runs down a fat bitches ass crack
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #4
    trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    The Ohio was a pretty important part of that area but I guess it's pretty comparable to the Mississippi. I used to love sitting on the banks of the Ohio, smoking bud and just chilling.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. #5
    Bradley Florida Man
    I never herad of the Ohio river so how important could it really be??? P.S. I am a Rivologist
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. #6
    Bradley Florida Man
    On a more interesting discussionary topic but still in the same subcategory I have always been fascinated by the notion of underwater rivers. Apparently the ground water in most areas forms and connects to create huge 'veins' or 'channels' of just clean fresh water pumping around at incredible speeds.

    So like ya u have ur gay ass rivers as mentioned in the OP and they're important and shit I guess but that's just the surface layer of the accessible of water.

    Often times areas with no river will support life through the utilization of wells. People are like ya aliens and god and spirits don't exist and I just wonder who the fuck told some dark age peasants hey if you take these 2 sticks and walk aroudn they click at some pointa nd if you dig 20 to 80 feet down you're gonna hit tap water adn you can make a tower to reinforc ethe sides and just come here with ur peasant buckert and get water.

    Much like the n umber 0, the domestication of plants and animals into a fixed locations, the concept of a singular leaer, and pyramids just magically sprang up in 3 places at once.

    All places that had monkeys and gold ...
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. #7
    Bradley Florida Man
    When I get tired of this life I am going to move to Cambodia where they got a river system that produces fish that look like nightmares bro, like not kdiding their fish in that fucking river are horrifying to look at there is a lot of them, plus uneducated brown pussy, and chinese food well not chinese but its the same shit.

    and pol pot lopped off their educated class so a western educated, rich white guy from Miami, USA will just be dripping in mongoloid pussy, rice and vegetable dishes, plus I like the idea of buddhism

    like 10$ is enough to feed a family over there for a week, shits so gang
  8. #8
    Bradley Florida Man
    Mekong River Delta,

  9. #9
    Bradley Florida Man
    Compare that to the Milwaukee River.

  10. #10
    Bradley Florida Man

    Winnebago River System
  11. #11
    Bradley Florida Man
    Miami Canal System (Mouth)

  12. #12
    Kingoftoes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Bradley Compare that to the Milwaukee River.

    Woah who's that cutie?
  13. #13
    Bradley Florida Man
    dude that's my favorite picture of me to ever exist
  14. #14
    Bradley Florida Man
    I like how when you look at the image the whole thing is gonna be based on the focal point of the fish and next to the fish is the second focal point so people are forced to look at this image and acknowledge how big of a flacid penis i have while fishing
  15. #15
    Kingoftoes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Bradley I like how when you look at the image the whole thing is gonna be based on the focal point of the fish and next to the fish is the second focal point so people are forced to look at this image and acknowledge how big of a flacid penis i have while fishing

    That's not flaccid, Brad. Do fish really turn you on that much? Or is it the action of catching them that makes your swimmers swim?
  16. #16
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    The mighty Kootenay river that my ancestors hunted and traded fish along with the plains peoples. These rivers were once a way of life to the peoples of this land and sadly that has been forgotten
  17. #17
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood The mighty Kootenay river that my ancestors hunted and traded fish along with the plains peoples. These rivers were once a way of life to the peoples of this land and sadly that has been forgotten

    haha your family's homeland river looks liek a dick, faggot.
  18. #18
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
  19. #19
    Bradley Florida Man
    I live in Florida on the tip of the dick
  20. #20
    Bradley Florida Man
    when I go outside i think "wow it's very tropical."
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