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  1. Netflxchillr African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dirtbag I don't even have the confidence to wear red lipstick. I feel like people would stare. Have you noticed you've become more or less confident as you've aged?

    You know Kafka I have/had all the same fears of aging. Especially, when I was younger- in our very “appearance” driven society… but once I hit my 50’s… I said, fuq~it! I’m going to live my best life & appreciate being alive to enjoy the days I have to live.

    So, yes… I find myself liking my old self far more than I did my ‘younger’ self.
  2. Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    Originally posted by Netflxchillr Wearing nothing but a lil mascara is pretty “natural” to me.

    But what I was actually referencing in my original post is that… I’m not afraid to show my old face- period.

    Showing a “makeup” pic

    or one of my face straight up, up close & personal!

    & regardless of what chit posts might/are thrown at me…from posters that don't/won’t post full face pics of themselves.

    you are very gorgeous.
  3. Netflxchillr African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Crispy Do you ever think they wont post pictures of themselves because theres a hebephile thay might make a cumtribute? Or a pedophile named scronce or wozzy that would do a cumtribute too?

    Nope. Why would I think^^ this? I am a grown/ adult WOMAN. Pedos aren’t interested in me.

    If you’re an underage kid…
    what are you doing on the web to begin with? Get your lil bitch-baby-ass off here, and go play with your damn Barbie dolls like kids are supposed to do! & stop dinking around w/weird men looking for stupid kids to groom on the interweb.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    Have you ever visited miami?
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    Question was directed at THE netflixchilr
  6. Crispy African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Netflxchillr Nope. Why would I think^^ this? I am a grown/ adult WOMAN. Pedos aren’t interested in me.

    If you’re an underage kid…
    what are you doing on the web to begin with? Get your lil bitch-baby-ass off here, and go play with your damn Barbie dolls like kids are supposed to do! & stop dinking around w/weird men looking for stupid kids to groom on the interweb.
    I can play with my dolls while talkin here, im a proper lady who can multitask
  7. Mighest Houston
  8. Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
  9. Originally posted by Morshoo I can tell you’re the type that enjoys having the last word.

    Go ahead:

    You ran out of steam already huh , next.
  10. Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina divorces ?

    6 then if you're including those.
  11. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Warcry how has she outed any peodphiles? I rejected and resued her advances form the moment she tried interacting with me. plus im a hephephile again. not a pedophile.

  12. Originally posted by Warcry
    how has she outed any peodphiles? I rejected and resued her advances form the moment she tried interacting with me. plus im a hephephile again. not a pedophile.

    Most hephephiles would probably qualify as pedophiles too, if a 9 yr old begged to lick your winking bunghole I'm sure you'd quickly give in.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. Crispy African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Most hephephiles would probably qualify as pedophiles too, if a 9 yr old begged to lick your winking bunghole I'm sure you'd quickly give in.
    Puberty can start at 9, so obviously he would give in
  14. Originally posted by Crispy Puberty can start at 9, so obviously he would give in

    Out of the ordinary occurrences isn't really a valid argument.
  15. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    I don't think any of these paraphelias actually exist except in extreme medical psychological circumstances.

    Sorry not sorry but being sexually attracted to 14 year olds doesn't make you a "hebephile" it just makes you a normal human with proper functioning biological processes. If she can shed blood she is more than ready to go according to nature

    But weather or not you act upon this is in civil society is a matter of law. But the belief by society that it's wrong to see a fertile young woman and feel nothing is insane, clearly those people are all suffering from low testosterone and in a world end scenario their genetics would die out forever.

    But we don't live in a world end scenario OR DO WE?!??! think about it folx in victorian times it was pre-industrial economy so this phenomenae didn't exist but suddenly in the globalist world this is a "growing trend" or maybe it's not an it's just reflecting how broken society and law and culture and sex and our role as humans in this world really are when the biggest drama hotbutton topic of the modern age is how to criminalize and control sex between a exponentially growing population
  16. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood .

    Sorry not sorry but being sexually attracted to 14 year olds doesn't make you a "hebephile" it just makes you a normal human with proper functioning biological processes. If she can shed blood she is more than ready to go according to nature

    While this is biologically true, modern man has created a set of societal laws, rules, regulations and morality that say "no, you need to curb your animalistic needs if you want to remain part of society and not be at the mercy of society's wrath"
  17. Crispy African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Out of the ordinary occurrences isn't really a valid argument.
    Its not out of the ordinary, it can start at 9 for girls
  18. Originally posted by Crispy Its not out of the ordinary, it can start at 9 for girls

    "can start" doesn't equate to being post pubescent.
  19. "Typically, puberty begins after the age of 8 in girls. By age 8 or 9, roughly 50% of Black or African-American girls and 15% of White girls have signs of breast buds or pubic hair or both. Generally, Black or African-American girls go through the stages of puberty at a younger age than White girls and Hispanic girls."

    So 15% START around that age...we don't count nigger percentages around here unless it's their murder rate.
  20. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Net is Milflicious

    for a white gal.
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