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Bringing the Dog Pill to the real world

  1. #1
    Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    They did it with the term "troll" which I like but the dog pill is strictly an internet thing from what I've seen.

    Next time I get the chance like some young mayo dyke cashier being rude I'm gonna go for it. Or maybe just start out by pointing out dog/cat fur on their clothes even if they're not. There is a road I drive on where middle aged-older mayos walk their dogs. It was a one lane and I got over because this one was on the right side. I was going limit and these two dog fucking old bitches on the left side were talking to each other and made some gesture to me I think saying to slow down. If I had my window down I would have let them have it but I just gave them the finger. Like bitch STFU get your dog fucking asses out of the road and you're acting like I'm the one in the wrong. In a perfect world I wouldn't be swerving.

    They're trying to hide the dog pill but I think if it catches on enough IRL it has to eventually be acknowledged by the mainstream.
  2. #2
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
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