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I think im pregnant

  1. #1
    Crispy Houston
    I dunno which 35 year old guy is the father…
    I slept with both my teacher and my moms boyfriend on the same day. I told my mom i was going to my friends house and i actually snuck away to see this guy, his brother was there too…
    Now they’re all supposed to meet me at the waffle house and figure it out.
    We were together because selling girl scout cookies wasn’t working out. In bidens economy this is the only option, with my parents and everything being shit i cant get money other than Jeffrey Epstein way…
    Send me cash for an abortion, all the clothes hangers nowadays are plastic and they all suck:

  2. #2
    Crispy Houston
    I was just trying to get more money for little plastic dinosaurs because i want to be a palaeontologist…
    Why is everything so complicated…
  3. #3
    RandyCain Houston
  4. #4
    Crispy Houston
    The one by walmart.
  5. #5
    RandyCain Houston
  6. #6
    Crispy Houston
    No hes gay and not into teens
  7. #7
    Vox Houston
    Originally posted by RandyCain delte

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. #8
    ner vegas African Astronaut
    you should take them all to IHOP and make them fight to the death
  9. #9
    Crispy Houston
    Ill try tbh…
  10. #10
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    an M 80 will do the trick but you gootta tape it to a paint stur stick and jam it all the way in to have the best effect
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. #11
    Crispy Houston
    Video tutorial..?
  12. #12
    OP is a pedophile
  13. #13
    Enigma African Astronaut
    I'd send u money but I'm poor
  14. #14
    it would be funny if abortions were banned so women had an actual price to pay for being whores
  15. #15
    frala Avant garde shartist
  16. #16
    Enigma African Astronaut
    that's what you get for getting sneezed on
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