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them bennies are wackin people out left and right

  1. #41
    Originally posted by Enigma I googled it. cool.

    yeah, at the end of isle A and B there is a end cap for Item on sale for people to grab. catch an eye. has about a 15% chance of being purchased over the same product which is situated in its natural location of the store.

    the delivery guys or reps would come in and try and offer the manager gibs in exchange for putting their product there. each store had to follow a certain blueprint pattern for their main isles but the end caps was up to their discretion to decide what products would push best and when. like they're normally chosen for 4th of July or other holidays but between holiday events the manager could choose whatever the fuck he himself wanted to go into that spot. and when you have guys going "Dude, x row seats to this weekend's ball game, concert, t-shirts or jackets with logo" then that spot is set. That was literally the cola war .. pepsi and coke then it became Budweiser vs Coors and Little Debbie cookies vs Keebler. The manager could sell those tickets for a few extra bucks.

    I worked in Retail and Commercial Food collectively in my life at least 15 years. I hated it but its one of those things I used to do.
  2. #42
    Word has it the largest Keebler Elf put up a tremendous fight.
  3. #43
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Word has it the largest Keebler Elf put up a tremendous fight.

    I'm pretty sure Little Debbie could scrap a mean scrap. She a Country Gal Tomboy.
  4. #44
    BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Narc Hey BummyMofo, long time no see, good to see you nigga

    Are you BummyMofo tho?


    yes i fucking am
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