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Billion-Dollar Thunderstorms in Florida? Thanks, Climate Change

  1. #21
    Instigator Space Nigga
    Why doesn't everyone just do the not so stupid thing and live on a hill?
  2. #22
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Originally posted by Instigator Why doesn't everyone just do the not so stupid thing and live on a hill?

    Live under the hill.
  3. #23
    Originally posted by Instigator Why doesn't everyone just do the not so stupid thing and live on a hill?

    Because they're stupid. Stupid people today will even move to the base of a once-active volcano that killed thousands of people and not even give it a second thought.
  4. #24
    ner vegas African Astronaut
    "one thunderstorm please"
    "that'll be a billion dollars"
    "damn you climate change"
  5. #25
    Enigma African Astronaut
    I got a case of 24 water bottles, a flashlight, a rape whistle, and a garbage bag. I figure I'll be alright. They say enough canned goods to last 3 days but because I'm not on death's doorstep I can go a couple days without eating easily. Thinking about getting one of those cheap ponchos for like 4$. Semi durable but you iknow why won't last long. THey're like "Get an emergency battery pack." but I'll just call my mom once a day from someone else's phone if that's the case, everyone that loves me knows I will survive anything but my mom do worry.
  6. #26
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Oh good, another lets all shit in our diapers fred from Obbe

  7. #27
    Enigma African Astronaut
    I can't imagine like having children and having to worry about them. Especially if they'r like me and just fuck ups in the gutter. I suppose it's a little better now that I am not drinking. I couldn't imagine having like ea little girl and wondering if she's okay all the time until she calls. LIke me I could go walk down any part of most major cities and yeah I might have a few problems, but I know I'll be alright. Some people can't even walk out of their house without me thinking they might not come back.
  8. #28
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Little rain never hurt anybody.
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