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Happy Pride MonthšŸ³ā€šŸŒˆ (2024)

  1. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood 1 inheritance pls

    I was gonna give this to you but now Im not

    look at how cool it is. look at the serial

  2. Originally posted by Lanny Lanny I was gonna give this to you but now Im not

    look at how cool it is. look at the serial

    Um what about it?
  3. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Um what about it?

    it's super special. Duh
  4. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    you can view it many different ways

    repeater with a break then repeat


    22 21 21 11


    222 12 111


    inverted RADAR style bill
  5. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    This thread is going to be a dark subject, so just a warning it will mention SA. But I wanna make my story heard because I wanna make a point Iā€™ve been trying to make for so long. So donā€™t scroll donā€™t if your sensitive to these topics

    When I was 15-16 was when I first got into being a femboy. Now I donā€™t identify with that label as much anymore, I really only keep it for the brand, but thatā€™s what I was back then. I engrained myself in that culture. This eventually lead to me meeting my ex, Iā€™m just gonna call him monkey. Monkey was an adult, who groomed me and preyed on my desire for affection. I liked the attention I got from putting on thigh highs and having guys online thirst for me. And he took advantage of that. We eventually met IRL, and I really donā€™t wanna say what he did but it was the worst experience of my life. We broke up a few years ago, and I kept all of this hidden. I was scared to say anything. Heā€™s since been kicked offline, but thatā€™s not why I bring this up. Iā€™m not bringing this up to go after him. Heā€™s already been banned offline. I donā€™t know where he is but I hope heā€™s not anywhere he can harm anyone again. He was a monster

    The whole reason I bring this up is to make a point of how overly sexualized femboy culture is. The entire point of being a femboy anymore is just ā€œI look like a girl but Iā€™m a guy your gay now, simp for meā€ and itā€™s gross. Itā€™s gross because it encourages minors who want to be themselves and dress feminine into these spaces that are often full of creeps. Iā€™m not saying being sexual is bad, but the entire culture is. And it pisses me off, because I know exactly what that culture lead me to and the mindset it put me in and it ruined me. It makes me upset that very few if any online content creators within the femboy niche arent like this. Thatā€™s why I continued my channel after it got popular. I wanted to be a better influence on everyone, especially minors. Being a femboy should not be a purely sexual trait it should be a form of self expression. I worry for younger femboys. I donā€™t want them lead down a dark path that I went down

    Anyway Iā€™m sorry I know this isnā€™t what I usually post and itā€™s a heavy subject but Iā€™ve been putting off posting it for awhile and I wanted to make my voice heard here. I didnā€™t want to have to post it but I donā€™t wanna keep putting it off forever. I wanna add one more thing to this that I forgot to add. If you are underaged and are online, I donā€™t just mean being a femboy, I mean if you are anyone who is a minor PLEASE be careful who you talk too. There are many many people online who are groomers and predators. They know just what to say to make you feel good, and they are often people you would least expect. If an adult asks you for anything inappropriate they are not to be trusted by any circumstances. And NEVER meet people online IRL unless you are in a safe public open space, and tell someone you trust that you are meeting someone online if you can, or bring someone you trust to your meeting. Regardless of whatever the circumstances are. If any creeps message you immediately block and report them. There is no situation in which an adult messaging you stuff like that is okay
  6. TL;DR: I was groomed by a monkey.
  7. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by ā €ā €ā €ā €ā €ā € TL;DR: I was groomed by a monkey.

    i'm sos sorry to hear that
  8. Kawkasian African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood This thread is going to be a dark subject, so just a warning it will mention SA. But I wanna make my story heard because I wanna make a point Iā€™ve been trying to make for so long. So donā€™t scroll donā€™t if your sensitive to these topics

    When I was 15-16 was when I first got into being a femboy. Now I donā€™t identify with that label as much anymore, I really only keep it for the brand, but thatā€™s what I was back then. I engrained myself in that culture. This eventually lead to me meeting my ex, Iā€™m just gonna call him monkey. Monkey was an adult, who groomed me and preyed on my desire for affection. I liked the attention I got from putting on thigh highs and having guys online thirst for me. And he took advantage of that. We eventually met IRL, and I really donā€™t wanna say what he did but it was the worst experience of my life. We broke up a few years ago, and I kept all of this hidden. I was scared to say anything. Heā€™s since been kicked offline, but thatā€™s not why I bring this up. Iā€™m not bringing this up to go after him. Heā€™s already been banned offline. I donā€™t know where he is but I hope heā€™s not anywhere he can harm anyone again. He was a monster

    The whole reason I bring this up is to make a point of how overly sexualized femboy culture is. The entire point of being a femboy anymore is just ā€œI look like a girl but Iā€™m a guy your gay now, simp for meā€ and itā€™s gross. Itā€™s gross because it encourages minors who want to be themselves and dress feminine into these spaces that are often full of creeps. Iā€™m not saying being sexual is bad, but the entire culture is. And it pisses me off, because I know exactly what that culture lead me to and the mindset it put me in and it ruined me. It makes me upset that very few if any online content creators within the femboy niche arent like this. Thatā€™s why I continued my channel after it got popular. I wanted to be a better influence on everyone, especially minors. Being a femboy should not be a purely sexual trait it should be a form of self expression. I worry for younger femboys. I donā€™t want them lead down a dark path that I went down

    Anyway Iā€™m sorry I know this isnā€™t what I usually post and itā€™s a heavy subject but Iā€™ve been putting off posting it for awhile and I wanted to make my voice heard here. I didnā€™t want to have to post it but I donā€™t wanna keep putting it off forever. I wanna add one more thing to this that I forgot to add. If you are underaged and are online, I donā€™t just mean being a femboy, I mean if you are anyone who is a minor PLEASE be careful who you talk too. There are many many people online who are groomers and predators. They know just what to say to make you feel good, and they are often people you would least expect. If an adult asks you for anything inappropriate they are not to be trusted by any circumstances. And NEVER meet people online IRL unless you are in a safe public open space, and tell someone you trust that you are meeting someone online if you can, or bring someone you trust to your meeting. Regardless of whatever the circumstances are. If any creeps message you immediately block and report them. There is no situation in which an adult messaging you stuff like that is okay

    Copy/paste...surprising!..thanks STL
  9. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood i'm sos sorry to hear that

    It's alright. I learned a lot.
  10. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Kawkasian Copy/paste…surprising!..thanks STL

    Of all the Gospel passages that I have found helpful in ministry with LGBTQ people, the beautiful story of Zacchaeusā€”has been the most meaningful for me (Lk 19: 1-10).

    At first glance, the story of Jesusā€™s encounter with the tax collector in Jericho would seem to have little to do with LGBTQ people today. But if you read it carefully, this passage from Lukeā€™s Gospel, a masterpiece of storytelling, has a great deal to say about all those who find themselves marginalized.

    Now I donā€™t want to imply that LGBTQ people are always and everywhere ā€œmarginalized.ā€ But itā€™s fair to say that in the Catholic Church many of them feel that way. So as we read the Gospel, I would like to invite you to see Zacchaeus as an emblem of the LGBTQ person. Notice all the subtle resonances in the story.

    To begin with, Luke tells us that Zacchaeus is the ā€œchief tax collectorā€ in Jericho. Now, that would have meant that he was probably ā€œon the outsā€ with most of the people in this predominantly jedi town, not only because he was colluding with the Roman authorities, but also because tax collectors had the reputation of skimming money off the top.

    My old New Testament professor Daniel J. Harrington, SJ, used to say that when we read ā€œchief tax collectorā€ here, we should think ā€œchief sinner.ā€ But by using Zacchaeus as a way of seeing the LGBTQ person, Iā€™m not saying LGBTQ people are any more sinful than anyone elseā€“weā€™re all sinners in one way or another. Rather, they often feel ā€œon the outs,ā€ especially in the church. Like Zacchaeus probably did in Jericho.

    At the beginning of the story, Zacchaeus is described as ā€œshort in stature.ā€ Luke means that he was physically small. But how little ā€œstatureā€ do LGBTQ people have in the church today? They are often ignored, excluded, not listened to. And, says Luke, Zacchaeus couldnā€™t see Jesus ā€œbecause of the crowd.ā€ Again, that means that he couldnā€™t see over their heads, but how often does ā€œthe crowdā€ get in the way of LGBTQ people encountering God? How often are we part of ā€œthe crowdā€ that prevents people with ā€œlittle statureā€ from coming to know God? How often is the church part of ā€œthe crowdā€?

    So what does Zacchaeus do? He climbs a sycamore tree. (The homey touch of identifying the precise type of tree gives this story an added sense of historicity.) Why does he climb a tree? Because he wanted to ā€œsee Jesus.ā€ (The original Greek is even more moving: he wanted ā€œto see who Jesus was.ā€) Thatā€™s what LGBTQ Catholics want today as well: to ā€œsee Jesus.ā€ But the crowd often gets in the way. So they must do something extraā€”go out on a limbā€”just to see what everyone else sees.

    As Jesus is passing through Jericho (with what would probably have been a sizeable crowd, since this story comes towards the end of his public ministry) he spies the diminutive tax collector perched high in the sycamore tree. Jesus then invites himself to the manā€™s house, a public sign of welcome. ā€œZacchaeus,ā€ says Jesus, ā€œcome down quickly, for today I must stay at your house!ā€ Jesus is offering him what New Testament scholars call ā€œtable fellowship.ā€

    Then comes my favorite line in the story: ā€œWhen they all saw this, they began to grumble.ā€ The Greek word used here is panta, all, which would have included the disciples as well. All began to grumble. Why? Because showing mercy to those on the margins always infuriates some people. It did in Jesusā€™s time and it does in ours.

    So the next time you see someone opposing mercy to LGBTQ people, remember this line: ā€œThey began to grumble.ā€

    But that does not deter Zacchaeus at all. He shinnies down the tree and ā€œstands thereā€ (the Greek word used has the implication of ā€œstanding oneā€™s groundā€). And he receives Jesus ā€œwith joy.ā€ Of course! How joyful it is to be welcomed into the community! Many LGBTQ people know the joy of finally feeling welcomed.

    Then Zacchaeus makes a public declaration: If he has defrauded anyone, he will repay them four times over and he will give half his money to the poor. This is usually considered to be Zacchaeusā€™s conversion, from whatever sins he had committed. And indeed, in the Gospels, any encounter with Jesus provokes a conversion. (By the way, Iā€™m not alluding to ā€œconversion therapy,ā€ but rather to metanoia, the word Jesus used for the change of mind and heart that we are all called to.)

    But recently I discovered something surprising about this Gospel passage. The English translation that we use at Mass, from the New American Bible, is this: ā€œHalf of my possessions, Lord, I shall give to the poor.ā€ But the original Greek is in the present tense: ā€œI give (or am giving) half of my possessions to the poor.ā€ Zacchaeus seems to be already doing that.

    In other words, the conversion that is occurring may be not only Zacchaeusā€™s conversion, but the crowdā€™s conversion as well, as Jesus reveals to them that the one who was on the ā€œoutsideā€ is more generous than they had ever imagined. How often is that the case with LGBTQ people, after people in the church come to know them!

    At the end of the story, Jesus calls Zacchaeus a ā€œSon of Abraham.ā€ Itā€™s a phrase that would have resonated deeply with the jedi crowd. Later in Luke, Jesus calls the woman who was ā€œbent overā€ the ā€œDaughter of Abrahamā€ after he has healed her (13:16). In both cases, Jesus is reminding the crowd that ā€œtheyā€ are part of ā€œus.ā€

    In this beautiful Gospel narrative, Jesus has demonstrated his inclusion of Zacchaeus not only by inviting himself to dine at his house, but by using the phrase ā€œSon of Abraham,ā€ which tells the crowd explicitly, ā€œThis man is one of us.ā€

    So it seems to me that there are two places we can stand regarding ministry to LGBTQ people and indeed any who feel on the margins. You can stand with the crowd who ā€œgrumbles.ā€ Or you can stand with Jesus.
  11. Copy/paste, thanks STL
  12. Enigma African Astronaut [memorize my carmelite sway]
    Wow it must be hard being in recovery.

    Actually it's not hard.

    Well I meant with Pride Month

    What do you mean?

    Well I know you're a big cock addict.
  13. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Copy/paste, thanks STL

    you must be new here

    STL1 was actually a far better poster than you will ever be

  14. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood STL1 was actually a far better poster than you will ever be

    I'm here for my entertainment, not yours
  15. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    so your entertainment is reading copy pastes
  16. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood so your entertainment is reading copy pastes

    No, it's trolling those folks..even better when they are too dumb to realize it
  17. Enigma African Astronaut [memorize my carmelite sway]
  18. Originally posted by Enigma MOrnign

    Morgan le fay.
  19. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson No, it's trolling those folks..

    Reading copy pastes is trolling?
  20. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Reading copy pastes is trolling?

    You think I read it?
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