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I can see why people hate gay people.

  1. #21
    Bradley Black Hole
    Thanks. Now I just need my boo to requite my love
  2. #22
    Originally posted by Michael Myers Well, you're right about the absolute certainty part but I feel like that's true for every religion, you know?

    Yes and I think there is a lot of differences between when a Christian or Muslim follows their religion "as close to the text" as possible and different interpretations for how that should look like.

    So would you be more theologically "liberal" I guess? Even though looking at religion in terms of liberal/conservative is kinda dumb imho and didn't exist before the French revolution but I think just means is less legalist and more open to interpretation.

    I think Muslims get a bad wrap for that being blamed for all the extremists but there is a liberal/conservative split in every religion, it just happens to be that the more "conservative" Muslims tend to be the extreme ones.

    It's completely the opposite case with the Hebrews, the ultra ORTHODOX i.e follows tradition most closely and THOU SHALT NOT KILL so they think Israel is evil VS liberal Hebrews who think it's okay to bomb Palestine
    Originally posted by Michael Myers We believe Islam existed since day one, but that the message became corrupted overtime, hence why we have the Torah and the Bible and why there are a lot of many similarities with these books and other world religions, because it came from the same source (God). The seal of the prophets, Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sent to restore the original religion in the way God intended it.

    I like the memes of Christians trying to explain the Trinity to Muslims and they are just like "wtf are you talking about bro, God has one nature, are you insane"

    Idk, I don't think any Abrahamic religion really disproves the ultimate claims of one another. The more I consider both sides the less convinced I am of either, and I remain a Deist that doesn't reject the idea of divine revelations.

    If you consider the logical outcome of Islam though, it asserts there is no other truth BUT Islam, it can ONLY be the truth. I don't think Islam is the only religion that has pulled this card, or maybe they are. The most common atheist argument is "well OF COURSE every religion would claim ONLY THEIRS can be right" but if they REALLY did have a divine revelation then how are they wrong?
    but how do you prove a divine revelation besides faith?

    But any argument I heard from a Christian pointing to the Quran saying "this is wrong" is just a weak argument to me, and I lean towards the idea that God has 3 nature's.

    I don't know how people comprehend this stuff without taking large amounts of LSD
  3. #23
    Doesn't Baha'i disprove itself if they believe Islam isn't technically "wrong" (I will ask GPT this question)
  4. #24
    I.e If you accept any part of Islam being correct there is no reason you shouldn't be a devout Muslim
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