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The Cheeto Chomo is absorbing the Libertarians

  1. #1
    Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    I was wrong about Trump having a debate at the Libertarian National Convention. Him being challenged on Israel, Julian Assange etc was the only thing that would be interesting.

    This new cunt Angela McArdle basically just let him hold a rally there. He talked about how he didn't start any wars (tried his best with Iran and kept Obama's going). How he's going to free some geeky darkwebz drug dealer they all idolize. Didn't mention Assange. And actually had the nerve to mock them about getting 3%. Something something Marxism...

    On a scale from 1-10 I would rate this cucking a 7. It would be higher but I heard a good bit of boos, fuck Donald Trump chants, and some of them had to be removed by police.

    The 3% of libertardians is actually needed because as bad as hard as Shitty Joe is trying to throw the election it's still that close lol But leadership has completely sold them out and aligned them all with Trump. The fallout from this could be funny.

    They're talking about cancelling the DNC because of people protesting genocide. I would like to see them have to cancel the DNC and RNC.
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