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The US actually tried to project Biden's brain cancer onto Putin

  1. #1
    Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Remember when Putin first invaded Ukraine? The US media started these Walter White rumors about Putin wanting to destroy NATO after being diagnosed with cancer. Then they realized that would actually be pretty cool and let it die off. It's just an example of how everything they claim about their adversaries, no matter how childish, is projection.

    If anybody's social freedom score is high enough not to be shadow banned on Facebook please share this.
  2. #2
    Buff Billy African Astronaut
    the high powered space cancer beam emitter
  3. #3
    Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Buff Billy the high powered space cancer beam emitter

    That's called Havana syndrome. It's what all the fake news tin foil hat nutters on CNN and CBS go on about.
  4. #4
    Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Oh the mainstream news and their silly conspiracy theories about Russian space lasers lolz
  5. #5
    Buff Billy African Astronaut
    You actually could project cancer onto someone with microwave beams I bet

    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 That's called Havana syndrome. It's what all the fake news tin foil hat nutters on CNN and CBS go on about.

    Nah that only works with sound waves or some shit. From my research it's not even a good weapon if it even exists. What i'm thinking of is something closer to an ion cannon

    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 Oh the mainstream news and their silly conspiracy theories about Russian space lasers lolz

    The only problem with a space laser is that anyone could blow it up with a nuke. But maybe if you had it orbit the moon you could still hit earth and it would be too far away to stop
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