2024-04-24 at 4:33 PM UTC
I had samosas with minced meat and pieces of baked bits of potato pieces but I felt like there were just too much potato for me to enjoy the minced meat.
2024-04-24 at 4:34 PM UTC
I am talking about my dinner. Last night. Or well, early in the morning perhaps, because I ate it at 2 a.m. or 2:30 a.m., I don't remember exactly.
2024-04-24 at 9:19 PM UTC
I have never heard of samosa until now. Are they good? They do not serve such foods in America.
For dinner tonight I am having chicken drumsticks with a seasoning I made from 400 different types of seasonings and water that I baked, going to serve it with barbeque and ranch.
I am glad u are doing good, MM!