2024-03-23 at 7:59 PM UTC
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Not your keys, not your coins.
https://cointelegraph.com/news/eu-enacts-ban-on-anonymous-crypto-transactions-via-self-custody-walletsA majority of the European Parliament’s lead committees have approved a ban on cryptocurrency transactions of any value made through hosted crypto wallets. This comes amid the European Council and parliament provisionally agreeing to expand parts of the European Union’s Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorist Financing laws to cover the cryptocurrency market.
According to an X post by Patrick Breyer, a member of the European Parliament for the Piratenpartei Deutschland (Pirate Party of Germany), a “majority of the EU Parliament’s lead committees” approved the new AML laws on March 19.
Breyer is one of only two members who voted against the ban on anonymous crypto payments. Gunnar Beck of Alternative für Deutschland (Alternative for Germany) also voted against the ban. The ban applies specifically to hosted or custodial crypto wallets offered by third-party service providers, such as centralized exchanges.
https://bitcoin.org/en/bitcoin-core/ 🪙
https://www.getmonero.org/ 🟠
https://wownero.org/ ✨
https://www.dash.org/ 💨
https://www.digibyte.org/ ⛏️
https://pirate.black/ ⚫
https://z.cash/ 💰
https://filecoin.io/ 🪙
https://pancakeswap.finance/ 💱
https://oasisprotocol.org/ 🌹
https://paintswap.finance/ 🖌️
https://mantenimiento.petro.gob.ve 🇻🇪🪙
https://www.binance.com/en 💳🔶
The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
post didn't die in a fire!
2024-03-23 at 8:04 PM UTC
It's the only way they can bring in the Universal Digital Discrimination Wallet (Mark of the Beast). Nothing at all to do with money laundering, and everything to do with tyrannical and demonic control.
2024-03-23 at 9:49 PM UTC
"The ten most terrifying words in the English language are: "Hi, I'm from the government and I'm here to help."
- Ronald Reagan