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Foods and shit you've never tried.

  1. #1
    Instigator Space Nigga [the staring tame crusher]
    Never had a Starbucks.
    Never ate sushi
    Never ate lobster.
    Never ate calimari
  2. #2
    Ghost Black Hole
    I've never had a jello cake in my life

    or this stuff also when they put coconut strings in it, it just feels wrong. Everything else seems cool the little balls, the green leaf jelly, the tapioca pudding and cream. But the coconut strings all soaked in that cream just ruin it for me. That shit seems nasty like what I would eat if I was trapped on a dessert dog island

    Originally posted by Instigator Never had a Starbucks.
    Never ate sushi
    Never ate lobster.
    Never ate calimari

    I love seafood and fancy lattes. You're missing out, I think because I have tried those things i'm able to stay off drugs and why i'm still alive. This might be your last chance
  3. #3
    Instigator Space Nigga [the staring tame crusher]
    Originally posted by Ghost I've never had a jello cake in my life

    or this stuff also when they put coconut strings in it, it just feels wrong. Everything else seems cool the little balls, the green leaf jelly, the tapioca pudding and cream. But the coconut strings all soaked in that cream just ruin it for me. That shit seems nasty like what I would eat if I was trapped on a dessert dog island

    I love seafood and fancy lattes. You're missing out, I think because I have tried those things i'm able to stay off drugs and why i'm still alive. This might be your last chance

    Don't get me wrong I've had a latte at other places, but I've never been in a Starbucks.

    I owe all of my recovery to green tea and masturbating in a full mirror daily so I'm OK for your witch doctor made up science thanks
  4. #4
    Never ate at Firehouse Subs, Cane's, Church's Chicken, Jack-In-The-Box, In-N-Out, or Checkers.
    I've never had Durian
    I've never had Pangolin
    I've never had Beef Wellington
  5. #5
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Instigator Don't get me wrong I've had a latte at other places, but I've never been in a Starbucks.

    I owe all of my recovery to green tea and masturbating in a full mirror daily so I'm OK for your witch doctor made up science thanks

    I'm a pretty high class coffee head I will go into starbucks or trendy cafes and talk "shop" with the baristas and they don't mind some cracked out weirdo ordering a pounds of sugar and coffee because I give them respect and if you do that you are already better than 99% of anyone that ever visits a starbucks or high class coffee shop that treat these people like minimum wage scrubs that shouldn't exist JUST MAKE MY FUCKING TRIPLE CARAMEL PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE!!!

    That being said their menu really only has a few good items, Ordering a regular coffee from starbucks just to pay 2x for the cup and add ins is fucked, I don't understand people that do that or order those simp coffees. If i'm going to starbucks it's to order one of their world famous FRAPPES which is the drink that put them on the map and gave them the ability to open stores next to stores IT MAKES SENSE when you chug enough frappes okay it's faster to get a coffee at one store than crossing the street IF YOU ONlY HAVE 15 MINUTE LUNCH BREAKS THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!!!

    idk what an oleoto is but when I order from starbucks I think these are the best menu items personally

    Those are nice beverages for late night gaming if you get a venti sized thats 1L of espresso frappe which is totally worth the price IMHO
    they also have seasonal stuff sometimes but this one sucks
  6. #6
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kingoffrogs Never ate at Firehouse Subs, Cane's, Church's Chicken, Jack-In-The-Box, In-N-Out, or Checkers.

    You're like a Canadian
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. #7
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Ghost You're like a Canadian

    fug i hate it here
  8. #8
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Meikai fug i hate it here

    I heard places like New York are the only cities that sell shawarma with white sauce and they are usually the busiest spots in town.
    We have stuff like that all over & local chains like Mary Browns so overall idk which is worse

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I am jealous of American chinese chink joints. You got the takeout places while I gotta wait until a pandemic to start eating at them because they are all sit down restaurant type places for middle class boomers and hipsters and families. I just want to order takeout like seinfeld man
    We only have authentic Asian restaurants which sucks if you want chop suey chink joints american style
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