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  1. #1
    Ghost Black Hole

    loch her up! lock her up!

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    Tћe Gцaгdіaп - Bacк ᴛɵ ћɵмe
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    Μіddʟe Єasᴛ
    Gʟɵъaʟ deѵeʟɵpмeпᴛ

    Ѕмɵкe гіses aъɵѵe ᴛћe Cгɵcцs Cіᴛу Нaʟʟ cɵпceгᴛ ѵeпцe пeaг Μɵscɵш aғᴛeг гepɵгᴛs ɵғ a sћɵɵᴛіпg іпcіdeпᴛ.
    Ѕмɵкe гіses aъɵѵe ᴛћe Cгɵcцs Cіᴛу Нaʟʟ cɵпceгᴛ ѵeпцe пeaг Μɵscɵш aғᴛeг гepɵгᴛs ɵғ a sћɵɵᴛіпg іпcіdeпᴛ. Ρћɵᴛɵgгapћ: Гeцᴛeгs
    Ѕћɵɵᴛіпg aпd ъʟasᴛ гepɵгᴛed aᴛ cɵпceгᴛ ћaʟʟ пeaг Μɵscɵш

    ГIΑ ageпcу saуs aᴛ ʟeasᴛ ᴛћгee peɵpʟe іп caмɵцғʟage geaг ɵpeпed ғігe, шћіʟe Tass гepɵгᴛs a ъʟasᴛ aпd a ғігe
    Αпdгeш Гɵᴛћ aпd ageпcіes
    Ғгі 22 Μaг 2024 17.52 GΜT
    Lasᴛ мɵdіғіed ɵп Ғгі 22 Μaг 2024 18.16 GΜT

    Αᴛ ʟeasᴛ a dɵzeп peɵpʟe ћaѵe ъeeп шɵцпded aпd мaпу мɵгe шɵцпded accɵгdіпg ᴛɵ цпɵғғіcіaʟ гepɵгᴛs іп ᴛћe шɵгsᴛ ᴛeггɵг aᴛᴛacк іп Гцssіa іп уeaгs, as gцпмeп іп cɵмъaᴛ ғaᴛіgцes ɵpeпed ғігe aпd deᴛɵпaᴛed expʟɵsіѵes іп a ъіg cɵпceгᴛ ћaʟʟ іп Μɵscɵш.

    Ρћɵᴛɵs sћɵшed ᴛћe Cгɵcцs Cіᴛу Μцsіc Нaʟʟ eпgцʟғed іп ғʟaмes as ѵіdeɵs eмeгged ғгɵм ᴛћe cɵпceгᴛ ћaʟʟ aᴛᴛacк, sћɵшіпg aᴛ ʟeasᴛ ғɵцг gцпмeп ɵpeпіпg ғігe ғгɵм aцᴛɵмaᴛіc шeapɵпs as paпіcкed Гцssіaпs ғʟed ғɵг ᴛћeіг ʟіѵes.

    Iп ɵпe ѵіdeɵ, ᴛћгee мeп іп ғaᴛіgцes caггуіпg гіғʟes ғігed aᴛ pɵіпᴛ ъʟaпк гaпge іпᴛɵ ъɵdіes sᴛгeшп aъɵцᴛ ᴛћe ʟɵъъу ɵғ ᴛћe cɵпceгᴛ ћaʟʟ. Tћe aᴛᴛacкeгs aʟsɵ appaгeпᴛʟу deᴛɵпaᴛed expʟɵsіѵes, as ᴛћe ᴛћe sɵцпds ɵғ ъʟasᴛs cɵцʟd ъe ћeaгd іп ɵᴛћeг ѵіdeɵs ғгɵм ᴛћe aᴛᴛacк.

    Μɵscɵш мaуɵг Ѕeгgeі Ѕɵъуaпіп caʟʟed ᴛћe aᴛᴛacк a “gгeaᴛ ᴛгagedу.” Αᴛ ʟeasᴛ 50 aмъцʟaпces ћad ъeeп dіspaᴛcћed ᴛɵ ᴛћe sіᴛe ɵғ ᴛћe aᴛᴛacк.

    “Tћe aᴛᴛacкeгs pгesцмaъʟу ɵpeпed ғігe aᴛ ᴛћe eпᴛгaпce ᴛɵ ᴛћe ъціʟdіпg dцгіпg a cɵпceгᴛ, цsіпg aцᴛɵмaᴛіc шeapɵпs, aпd ᴛћeп a ғігe ъegaп іп ᴛћe ъціʟdіпg,” saіd eмeгgeпcу seгѵіces. Αцᴛћɵгіᴛіes saіd ᴛћaᴛ цp ᴛɵ ғіѵe peɵpʟe ᴛɵɵк paгᴛ іп ᴛћe aᴛᴛacк.

    Гцssіaп мedіa гepɵгᴛs saіd ᴛћaᴛ гіɵᴛ pɵʟіce цпіᴛs шeгe seпᴛ ᴛɵ ᴛћe aгea as peɵpʟe шeгe ъeіпg eѵacцaᴛed.


    Μɵгe deᴛaіʟs sɵɵп …
    Єxpʟɵгe мɵгe ɵп ᴛћese ᴛɵpіcs


    Гeцse ᴛћіs cɵпᴛeпᴛ
    Μɵsᴛ ѵіeшed

    Μіddʟe Єasᴛ
    Gʟɵъaʟ deѵeʟɵpмeпᴛ


    Өгіgіпaʟ гepɵгᴛіпg aпd іпcіsіѵe aпaʟуsіs, dігecᴛ ғгɵм ᴛћe Gцaгdіaп eѵeгу мɵгпіпg
    Ѕіgп цp ғɵг ɵцг eмaіʟ

    Cɵмpʟaіпᴛs & cɵггecᴛіɵпs
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    Αʟʟ ᴛɵpіcs
    Αʟʟ шгіᴛeгs
    Dіgіᴛaʟ пeшspapeг aгcћіѵe

    Αdѵeгᴛіse шіᴛћ цs
    Ѕeaгcћ ЦК ϳɵъs

    Bacк ᴛɵ ᴛɵp
    © 2024 Gцaгdіaп Иeшs & Μedіa Lіміᴛed ɵг іᴛs aғғіʟіaᴛed cɵмpaпіes. Αʟʟ гіgћᴛs гeseгѵed. (dcг)
  2. #2
    Ghost Black Hole
    Дɪошеши, велико ћечење је било. 🇷🇺💪🏳️‍🌈 #WarriorsForSpecialOperation
    Најмање десетина људи је била убијена, а многи су рањени према званичним извештајима у најгорем терористичком нападу у Русији у годинама, када су масовне уморе изазвале пожаре и детонирали експлозиве у великој салци Москве. 💥🏟️🔥💣🚑Фотографије су показивале да је Музичка дворана Гроцкој у пламену док су видеи излазили из сале током напада, показујући најмање четири људи који пуцају из аутоматског оружја док је маса напуштала животе. 📸🔥🔫🚶‍♂️🔴🔴🔴На једном видеу, три мушкарца у уморима пуцали су на блиској дистанци у људе који су стајали испред сцене у салци. 📹🔫🚶‍♂️ Нападачи су такође наводно поставили експлозиве, јер су звуци експлозија могли да се чују у другим видеима напада. 💣💥🔴🔴🔴🟠🟠🟠🟠🟠

    Московски мајор Сергеј Собјанин назвао је напад "великом трагедијом". 🎖️ Најмање 50 амбуланти је послато на место напада. 🚑

    "Нападачи су наводно пуцали на улаз у зграду током концерта, користећи аутоматско оружје, а затим су покренули пожар у згради", рекле су спасилачке службе. 🔥🚨🔫 Власти су рекле да је до пет људи учествовало у нападу. 👥🚓

    Руски медији извештавају да су полицијски часови постављени у околне области док су људи евакуисани. 📰🚓🏞️
  3. #3
    Ghost Black Hole
    Что вы все вестернизированные, которым промывают мозги БОЛЬШИЕ ГОЛОВНЫЕ СМИ, чтобы вас не волновало только то, что Франция объявила войну?
  4. #4
    Ghost Black Hole
  5. #5
    Instigator Space Nigga [the staring tame crusher]
  6. #6
    Ghost Black Hole
    Does anyone cares what happens to Z?
  7. #7
    Ghost Black Hole
    Americans warned Z, Z ignored it because they were too busy being nazis against ukraine and rigging elections. This will be a bad year for Z

  8. #8
    ner vegas African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost

    didn't watch the video but the 'false flag' angle is retarded. I get why it'd be pushed by people with skin in the game but I don't get why anyone without a vested interest would believe it.

    Putin is Mr. 87%, both he and the war effort have extremely high approval ratings. the majority of Russians think the military's not going hard enough, there's no need to motivate the people to support escalation
  9. #9
    Ghost Black Hole
    If Americans are saying Russians are committing false flag attacks but the USS liberty was an accident, then lol. I'm sure technologyist would swallow this theory in a heartbeat that Russia would do a false flag but the idea that any western government would do the same has always been unthinkable

    Same thing happened with the election hacking on both sides. ppl are dumb
  10. #10
    ner vegas African Astronaut
    I mean I'm not saying they wouldn't, but in this case there is zero benefit
  11. #11
    ner vegas African Astronaut

    the arresting officers went to town on them

    "tree explorer" - he climbed a tree to try to escape and wouldn't come down, so they just chopped the tree down to see if he'd survive the fall
    "ultrasound" - this is the guy from the video who slashed someone's throat, so one of the cops sliced his ear off and sold the knife on ebay
    "shaker" - the guy who was shaking and pissing himself when they got him, they attached a hand-cranked field radio to his balls and told him to use it to call his superiors or something
    "cyclops" - when they booked him he was 'missing an eye somehow', unofficially he got hit so hard that it popped out
  12. #12
    Ghost Black Hole
    prison issued tracksuits LMAO
  13. #13
    ner vegas African Astronaut
    спрут game
  14. #14
    Ghost Black Hole
    THe more I think about it, it makes perfect sense for ISIS-K to recruit russians who are currently in a war climate. Nobody would think twice about a Muslim-Russian from a ex soviet state like Tajikistan suddenly being interested in firearms, war, explosives.

    It's impossible to determine how many western ISIS "terrorists" were authentic or just FBI plants but it made sense for them to recruit westerners during the global war on terror and Syrian war but now they are focusing on Russians and probably have much more success. I don't think Russian security services do stuff like the FBI. I'm sure they are corrupt in different ways but i've never heard of them fake terrorism-ing someone. They probably want people to join right wing paramilitary groups

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