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being an outsider
2015-09-15 at 2:53 PM UTCanyone else here feel like no matter what you do and how successful you are and how many people you convince that you're normal so that they'll be your friend/have sex with you/give you whatever you need from them, you're always the same outsider thats just playing a part? i feel like im never going to be petty enough to partake in the things humanity does seriously. its just a joke for me, but one that i might as well do well at because then i can get that $$$/pussy
2015-09-15 at 3:18 PM UTC
anyone else here feel like no matter what you do and how successful you are and how many people you convince that you're normal so that they'll be your friend/have sex with you/give you whatever you need from them, you're always the same outsider thats just playing a part? i feel like im never going to be petty enough to partake in the things humanity does seriously. its just a joke for me, but one that i might as well do well at because then i can get that $$$/pussy
With your teeth you're gon need lotsa $$$ -
2015-09-15 at 3:52 PM UTC
With your teeth you're gon need lotsa $$$
i dont get it -
2015-09-15 at 3:55 PM UTC
i dont get it
And with your teeth you prolly never will. -
2015-09-15 at 3:58 PM UTCyou creepin tc or something boi?
2015-09-15 at 4:03 PM UTC
2015-09-15 at 4:14 PM UTCoh i see, you think i have messed up teeth because you think i do meth
2015-09-15 at 4:19 PM UTC
oh i see, you think i have messed up teeth because you think i do meth
Nope, I think you have a real purty tooth. -
2015-09-15 at 4:28 PM UTCyea well lets see your teeth then prettyboy
2015-09-15 at 4:38 PM UTCI think that dark rodent thinks that you are a spectral alt
he is a wierd old dude who spends most of his free time shopping spectral pictures -
2015-09-15 at 4:57 PM UTC
I think that dark rodent thinks that you are a spectral alt
Nah, I pay a certain Paki in used raisins to shoop them for me.
he is a wierd old dude who spends most of his free time shopping spectral pictures -
2015-09-15 at 5:22 PM UTC
I think that dark rodent thinks that you are a spectral alt
he is a wierd old dude who spends most of his free time shopping spectral pictures
oh i see, that makes much more sense now -
2015-09-15 at 5:26 PM UTCAnother thread derailed into a topic about teeth. Awesome!
2015-09-15 at 5:35 PM UTC
Another thread derailed into a topic about teeth. Awesome!
Cuz everyone knows all the best threads are started by one of Spectard's Barbie Dolls. -
2015-09-15 at 6:09 PM UTCSeriously TDR, greenplastic was already greenplastic/TDKP on redfern and he went by the handle of Take Drugs Kill People on Zoklet.
2015-09-15 at 6:17 PM UTCSeriously, it was one of Spectard's alts on DFG's site two or three years ago.
2015-09-15 at 6:27 PM UTC
anyone else here feel like no matter what you do and how successful you are and how many people you convince that you're normal so that they'll be your friend/have sex with you/give you whatever you need from them, you're always the same outsider thats just playing a part? i feel like im never going to be petty enough to partake in the things humanity does seriously. its just a joke for me, but one that i might as well do well at because then i can get that $$$/pussy
How do you know anyone is doing anything 'seriously?' You said it yourself, you can be successful and appear normal and even live a seemingly normal life by cultural/society's standards, but inside still feel like you're acting, and I don't think that's as rare as it seems, rather, most be probably don't realize that they're doing it. Especially once people have kids it seems, their life becomes a cookie-cutter version of tending after them (their child/ren) and going out occasionally when they can find a baby-sitter, and going to work. Mom watches HG-TV and cleans the house while dad works at the factory or the office sucking cocks all day until he comes home and they repeat the same dinner as a family followed by 'talking' and watching cringe network television before the mom goes to bed and the dad goes out to his workshop to snort some cocaine and get drunk of budweiser. THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENS IN EVERY FAMILY. And the thing is, each one of those people, although they appear to love what they do and they fit the little bill of proverbial mother or father raising kids and working and going about their lives, well, they know they're acting, because it's not what they TRULY want.
When you have kids you have to lie to yourself and convince yourself that 'they were the greatest thing to ever happen to me!' So many fucking parents literally say that stupid shit- 'the love of my life; the best thing to ever happen' and FUCK those people. There's nothing wrong with loving the shit out of your kid/s, don't get me wrong, but it's not the GREATEST thing to happen to anyone. It's an 18-year burden in the least, especially when you are going to have to pay for literally everything they do and their entire well-being relies on you sacrificing all the personal enjoyments you were used to before that. So, it's a lie they tell themselves, and as it pertains to your question OP, the parents may be successful, and seem NORMAL because they are married with children and have adult jobs etc etc, they deep down are just outsiders playing a part, in fact we're all outsiders playing a part which makes us all insiders because there isn't actually a true INSIDER. Everyone has their secret desires, their fucked up thoughts, their sordid fantasies, etc, and most people act like they don't have them by brainwashing themselves into thinking they're something they're not, as I described above.
Then of course you have those of us who don't have kids or good jobs who are just degenerative alcoholic fucks, such as myself, but I guess the difference with us types is that we usually don't try to convince others we are normal; at least not for me. I realize my flaws, my social differences, tendencies to think outside-the-box, play the devil's advocate, and generally just go against the grain. That could be acting too, a way to convince myself that I am NOT like everyone else, just mindlessly here trying to fit into the mold and be a part of the sheep community. It feels 'edgier' I suppose to not agree with everyone else and not to have to convince others that you are just like them, that you couldn't agree with more and you like everything about them and you just totally are on the same page and blah blah. I think at the end of the day it's about not doing anything particularly aggressively, but just doing, and being whatever you are. If you have friends and money and pussy at you disposal, fantastic. Some, like myself, don't give a fuck much about those things, or not in the same sense that you might or the general public might.
I have no idea what I'm talking about. -
2015-09-15 at 6:27 PM UTCTDR thought I was a spectral alt for a fair amount of time
I seriously think that he is experiencing age-related mental decline -
2015-09-15 at 6:30 PM UTC
2015-09-16 at 12:26 AM UTC
How do you know anyone is doing anything 'seriously?' You said it yourself, you can be successful and appear normal and even live a seemingly normal life by cultural/society's standards, but inside still feel like you're acting, and I don't think that's as rare as it seems, rather, most be probably don't realize that they're doing it. Especially once people have kids it seems, their life becomes a cookie-cutter version of tending after them (their child/ren) and going out occasionally when they can find a baby-sitter, and going to work. Mom watches HG-TV and cleans the house while dad works at the factory or the office sucking cocks all day until he comes home and they repeat the same dinner as a family followed by 'talking' and watching cringe network television before the mom goes to bed and the dad goes out to his workshop to snort some cocaine and get drunk of budweiser. THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENS IN EVERY FAMILY. And the thing is, each one of those people, although they appear to love what they do and they fit the little bill of proverbial mother or father raising kids and working and going about their lives, well, they know they're acting, because it's not what they TRULY want.
When you have kids you have to lie to yourself and convince yourself that 'they were the greatest thing to ever happen to me!' So many fucking parents literally say that stupid shit- 'the love of my life; the best thing to ever happen' and FUCK those people. There's nothing wrong with loving the shit out of your kid/s, don't get me wrong, but it's not the GREATEST thing to happen to anyone. It's an 18-year burden in the least, especially when you are going to have to pay for literally everything they do and their entire well-being relies on you sacrificing all the personal enjoyments you were used to before that. So, it's a lie they tell themselves, and as it pertains to your question OP, the parents may be successful, and seem NORMAL because they are married with children and have adult jobs etc etc, they deep down are just outsiders playing a part, in fact we're all outsiders playing a part which makes us all insiders because there isn't actually a true INSIDER. Everyone has their secret desires, their fucked up thoughts, their sordid fantasies, etc, and most people act like they don't have them by brainwashing themselves into thinking they're something they're not, as I described above.
Then of course you have those of us who don't have kids or good jobs who are just degenerative alcoholic fucks, such as myself, but I guess the difference with us types is that we usually don't try to convince others we are normal; at least not for me. I realize my flaws, my social differences, tendencies to think outside-the-box, play the devil's advocate, and generally just go against the grain. That could be acting too, a way to convince myself that I am NOT like everyone else, just mindlessly here trying to fit into the mold and be a part of the sheep community. It feels 'edgier' I suppose to not agree with everyone else and not to have to convince others that you are just like them, that you couldn't agree with more and you like everything about them and you just totally are on the same page and blah blah. I think at the end of the day it's about not doing anything particularly aggressively, but just doing, and being whatever you are. If you have friends and money and pussy at you disposal, fantastic. Some, like myself, don't give a fuck much about those things, or not in the same sense that you might or the general public might.
I have no idea what I'm talking about.
It was a good post mQ but i'd think then that the people not trying to fit in are the people not playing a part, they're themselves in their non-conformity, which in the sense of your post would make us the insiders and the 'normal' people the outsiders.