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what sounds do your birds outside make?

  1. #21
    blackbird Tuskegee Airman
    There used to be a group of bluejays that would gather every morning to eat the catfood that was outside. Holy fuck were they loud.
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  2. #22
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Elbow It feels like cheating because I'm nowhere near the ocean. I guess the Great Lakes are freshwater inland seas and that's good enough for the gulls, but they really do bring an "ocean-side" vibe and it felt totally unearned by the local geography.

    No that would be the invention of landfill sites. See they do have a good use

  3. #23
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Elbow They are goofy little shits though. I can't hate on gulls. They're retards like pigeons, but less passive. Mischievous little dicks.

    They pretty smart you know, not too distant from Corvid's. Not as bird brained as the dumb tourists that walk along not paying attention to their pasty or ice cream and then quickly lose it to the swooping gulls that take them straight from their hands. They can tell who is paying attention and who isn't, so only the morons getting mugged by them. It always cracks me up to see that happen.

    When I was a kid on holiday in Looe, we watched a guy on the keyside with his family just come out the fish n chip shop. A gull swooped down on him and grabbed the whole piece of fish straight out his hands. It fell apart in its claws and fell in the river and some other gulls raced into to get their share, the guy then threw a shit fit and threw the chips at them while shouting. This just caused even more gulls to come flying in to munch up his chips an all.

  4. #24
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    was gonna get some pix of the Raven's this morning but so far there's no sign of them.
    Hopefully they're ok

  5. #25
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    When out this morning and no sign, then moments later all 3 arrived. The two parents have been nesting since spring, the offspring is so big now you can't tell which he is. So took some pix and quick vid for you guys(even tho you don't deserve it), I put some arrows so you can see where the nest is coz its not the best camera. On the video they start whaa wha'ing coz some Seagulls started circling which was perfect timing. Thought a couple of the gulls got in the vid but can't see them on playback.

  6. #26
    NARCassist gollums fat coach

  7. #27
    NARCassist gollums fat coach

  8. #28
    Were we live now we just have Mourning Doves and stupid ass Seagulls (I actually like Seagulls but dont like them shitting on me which has happened a half dozen times in my life.. and I'm very cautious when they fly over.

    but where I used to live inland from the bay we had ravens and crows. Ravens are super fucking smart. the crows are saucy and will throw acorns and shit at you. they're real cunts. then start laughing at you.

    ravens have a better caw sound and its usually longer winded. very loud. crows just caw caw and its not real loud but the ravens you can feel in your chest when they get going. very beefy bird. 4 foot wingspan. they usually don't fly in numbers where crows fly in groups (murder)

    you have to have love for both species. crows are funny to watch fucking with your pets if you leave them outside on their own. you really got to watch what they're doing otherwise it just looks like a black bird landing in the yard and flying off. they will test your dog and try and get a reaction out of them.
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  9. #29
    Originally posted by NARCassist


  10. #30
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    I watched them once when a Hawk was circling high above and one of the Ravens went up and started tussling with it in mid air for quite a while. This was back in the spring so their fledgling was prolly real young then. Then the other Raven came across from nowhere and I guess the Hawk wasn't up for that and quickly flew off. Really cool to watch.

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  11. #31
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Lanny Lanny but where I used to live inland from the bay we had ravens and crows. Ravens are super fucking smart. the crows are saucy and will throw acorns and shit at you. they're real cunts. then start laughing at you.

    ravens have a better caw sound and its usually longer winded. very loud. crows just caw caw and its not real loud but the ravens you can feel in your chest when they get going. very beefy bird. 4 foot wingspan. they usually don't fly in numbers where crows fly in groups (murder)

    you have to have love for both species. crows are funny to watch fucking with your pets if you leave them outside on their own. you really got to watch what they're doing otherwise it just looks like a black bird landing in the yard and flying off. they will test your dog and try and get a reaction out of them.

    Yes Corvids are very intelligent, there are many observations that suggest they are very possibly more intelligent than both Dolphins and Chimpanzees. They are the only animal to be observed not just using tools to perform a task, but to use a tool to then either make or obtain another tool which can then be used to perform a task. This has not been observed in any other species and it shows another level of thinking, to do something which then enables you to do something else. There was also an experiment done at one of the big universities in the States where they wore realistic masks. Some of the wearers were good to the corvids(can't remember if Crows or Ravens) and some were deliberately belligerent towards them. it was clearly shown that the birds could recognize the wearers of the masks even when wearing different clothes. What was even more impressive tho was some years later not only did the birds still recognize and show fear and alarm towards the belligerent wearers, but the offspring that were not alive at the first stage also clearly showed fear towards them but not towards the wearers who showed kindness like feeding them. They still don't know how this is possible but suggests Corvids could have language way more complex than we previously knew of.

    Did you know the collective noun for Crows is a murder as you said, but for Ravens its an unkindness of Ravens? Comes from the middle ages or some shit, lol

    But yeah Corvids are awesome, very interesting species.

  12. #32
    I like the sound of crows on a cold winters day as you walk through the woods on your way to Grandma's house.
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  13. #33
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I like the sound of crows on a cold winters day as you walk through the woods on your way to Grandma's house.

    And when your walking through a farmers field just after they sowed and there's a murder of about 300 Crows all crowing like mad

    I love that an all

    Proper in the country feel, ya get me?

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