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do people really not wash their asses..?

  1. #1
    🐈 Yung Blood
    the general idea i get from just listening to people talk is that when they take a shit, they wipe with toilet paper, and that this is the cleanest their ass ever gets because they think washing it with water is disgusting or something. now i dont mean to get too RADICAL with my ideology here, but i posit that this is actually the more disgusting prospect. yes, when you wash your ass in the shower/bath, small particles of shit will hit the shower floor. like how when someone farts and you can smell it, you are inhaling small particles of their shit that have been released into the air. this is the price we pay for having somewhere to clean ourselves. the shit and dirt and grease and whatever else that is on our bodies is washed into a designated receptacle and down the drain away from our homes. this is the concept of a shower. the water washes down anything like that anyways and you can actually clean it or just pour a little bleach around the drain from time to time if youre lazy and it will totally take care of any perceived problem (any problem caused by this is definitely sub perceptual but just to have a clean conscience so to speak).

    on the other hand it is pretty stereotypically american to snub their noses at those who do not follow their customs, like eastern europeans using bidets, even when its very clearly the more hygienic choice but the americans are just judging hella hard because other people dont like shit clinging to their asses while theyre out and about, lol. like its so typical of americans to hold their opinions and customs in the highest regard and judge others even when if they just stopped and thought about it for a second theyd realize theyre objectively wrong about at least some things. i mean i guess you can say (wElL iTs My OpInIoN tHaT wIpInG wItH pApEr Is MoRe HyGiEnIc) and yea im sure you do believe your opinion creates reality but im also positive that if you measured the shit left on asses after wiping vs using a bidet the bidet users would be more clean every single time so objectively youre just wrong if you think that because while i dont think anyone has taken the time to collect empirical evidence, it would definitely show that bidets are cleaner. thats how science works. contrary to popular opinion, scientific thinking is not correlated with political ideology.

    its just like how americans eat trash food all the time that is definitely not the kind of diet we evolved/were created to have, filled with all kinds of dyes and preservatives and sugar and fat so we age faster and look all fucked up from lifetimes of eating that shit and then they make fun of people who eat natural foods and scream about how they look way too young and anyone attracted to that is obviously a closet pedo. ANY third person observer would look at the situation and realize you are the fucked up one for thinking bread is normal and rice is fucking weird

    tldr americans disgust me. you all need to clean your bodies better because i can smell the shit hanging to your asses
  2. #2
    🐈 Yung Blood
    i started this thread sort of tongue in cheek but it made me think more and i realized whenever ive eaten out a girl in america theres always like a distinct pussy/sometimes tinge of ass scent/taste (not necessarily strong or really gross but definitely present) vs asian girls theres never been any of that at all, just a slight amount if anything but never weird or gross at all, just like kissing someone or something and now i think you actually probably really dont wash.

    D I S G U S T I N G

    i knew god sent me to this planet for some reason
  3. #3
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
  4. #4
    🐈 Yung Blood
    8000 years from now they will find my body and realize i was the second missing link that brought humanity to its final evolutionary form. thank me later
  5. #5
    I put some liquid body soap on my finger then get all up in my asshole with it and clean everything out. You just wash your hands with the same soap when you're done and it all goes down the drain like he said. A spray of Clorox if it bothers you so much or you're a pussy.
  6. #6
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    if you aren't giving yourself regular enemas your shitpussy is disgusting. you think it's good enough to simply "use a bidet" or something? gross.
  7. #7
    you lick yours
  8. #8
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by 🐈 8000 years from now they will find my body and realize i was the second missing link that brought humanity to its final evolutionary form. thank me later

    for that to be the case you'd have to procreate and we all know that ain't happening smh
  9. #9
    🐈 Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Solstice I put some liquid body soap on my finger then get all up in my asshole with it and clean everything out. You just wash your hands with the same soap when you're done and it all goes down the drain like he said. A spray of Clorox if it bothers you so much or you're a pussy.

    i use a pressure washer actually then i drink a shot or so of the resulting water and repeat until i cant taste any shit left to get the cleanest. i mean whats is this, pickup artist class 2nd session, were practicing agreeing and amplifying? are we picking up girls or cleaning our asses? evolve past coms 101 textbook plz
  10. #10
    🐈 Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Meikai for that to be the case you'd have to procreate and we all know that ain't happening smh

    the first missing link was via natural selection, the next phase of human evolution will be not necessarily due to the sexual reproduction of individual organisms but more due to the ideological natural selection of ideas. we are not generally in direct competition for survival on a day to day basis like we used to be and due to the internet (and books and language) we can transfer ideas without actually needing to produce offspring
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. #11
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by 🐈 the first missing link was via natural selection, the next phase of human evolution will be not necessarily due to the sexual reproduction of individual organisms but more due to the ideological natural selection of ideas. we are not generally in direct competition for survival on a day to day basis like we used to be and due to the internet (and books and language) we can transfer ideas without actually needing to produce offspring

    oh no the cat is a based wizard
  12. #12
    someone get it some milk so it can lick it's ass clean
  13. #13
    when i was growing up as a little kid, all my peers thought ass means vagina because they keep seeing white peepul talking about fuckimg womens asses.

    i tried to correct them but to no avail because fucking an anus just doesnt make sense in my society. no one does that.

    i say this because anus hygene doesnt matter if your not going to fuck it or have yours fucked.
  14. #14
    🐈 Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Meikai oh no the cat is a based wizard

    i was going to post the viper/meghan trainor collab meme i made a while back with them smoking rock together but this will have to do

  15. #15
    A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    do you also have a waterpik and carry it with you all day and use it immediately after every meal? i mean just imagine, fruys, walking around with that decaying food from your last meal packed in the crevices between your teeth. or just being sloppy and mushing it around with a piece of floss all half assed.

    yeah keenan i see what youre sayaing but if the point is to be more hygienic, i dont see it. im imagining ice-cold winter tap water spraying onto my anus and some of it splashing where i don't want it whaat would i do then, oh yeah dry it off with paper. a lot of people just take a crap at the same time every day and they take a shower after. other people use baby-wipes on theyr'e buttholes and then flush them down the toilet and clog up their sewer. if i saw a white person with a bidet i would suspect they were a sexual deviant or had medical problems , not judging. also anything besides belly-to-belly sex with a Woman is homosexual behaviour so im not really sure why it matters heard
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. #16
    Instigator Space Nigga
  17. #17
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Instigator Bumbaclot

    bloodclaat pussyclaat [kisses teeth]
  18. #18
    🐈 Yung Blood
    i'm just trying to acclimate socially. is this not a good subject to 'break the ice' so to speak and make friends?
  19. #19
    🐈 Yung Blood
    Originally posted by A College Professor do you also have a waterpik and carry it with you all day and use it immediately after every meal? i mean just imagine, fruys, walking around with that decaying food from your last meal packed in the crevices between your teeth. or just being sloppy and mushing it around with a piece of floss all half assed.

    yeah keenan i see what youre sayaing but if the point is to be more hygienic, i dont see it. im imagining ice-cold winter tap water spraying onto my anus and some of it splashing where i don't want it whaat would i do then, oh yeah dry it off with paper. a lot of people just take a crap at the same time every day and they take a shower after. other people use baby-wipes on theyr'e buttholes and then flush them down the toilet and clog up their sewer. if i saw a white person with a bidet i would suspect they were a sexual deviant or had medical problems , not judging. also anything besides belly-to-belly sex with a Woman is homosexual behaviour so im not really sure why it matters heard

    i dont see any reason why the demographic of people who shit at the same time every day should be mutually exclusive with those who flush baby wipes and clog the sewer?
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