2017-03-14 at 1:28 AM UTC
I'm buzz phrasing here.. Is it Hudson Turner with AI?
Jeff Hunter pulled this on me with the popup greeter before he popped in. but this was decades back.
So I saw Mechena (again) didn't feed off of the script fully. I'm halfway in but fell asleep when the girl (Japanese) spilled drink on umm the pale face guy. All i remember from the first view was they viewed his porn habits ( >:[ )
So is that basic AI *zing*?
2017-03-14 at 2:56 AM UTC
Turner Test. I bet it's made up to, to cloud story Jeff Hunter. theme party of cuck'd fuckers of the system controlling the mass right now. That's why they want to rape South Korea by making their batteries and washing machines explode. to fuck their QC Reputation
how many Billions did it cost them?
2017-03-14 at 2:57 AM UTC
weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
i dont know what your talking about