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  1. #1
    Bradley Florida Man
    The interest of another person has me on tangents.

    The knowledge I have of thermite is very narrow. I have seen someone else (who for the duration of all my posts I have never interacted or participated in this, mostly just watch cuz it's interesting and the person doing it isn't me.)

    put a well hole down,and instead of hitting the water table, they go one-two feet above it, bro it's so awesome, and by filling the hole with thermite and this is the most important part, a garage door opener hooked to a pile of thermite with the center with even just a good electric style primer or even just a taser if you got anyone with a welder.

    my real friend says taht it takes literally 8-14feet of compressed thermite packed into one of these holes with a well digger, just make sure that one component with the sparker goes in 2 feet off where you stopped.

    You can go to homedepot right now or menards or fleetfarm right now and buy this product in whatever quantities you want. Every pyrotechnique store will sell you an automated striker with a timer or remote (you want the timer so it stays with it or maybe you dont' idk)

    when it's full put the biggest rock u and your friend can ontop of the tube, if you don't have a big rock, the day before you do this get a bag of quick crete and just put the hose on it for it liek 5 minutes and it'll mostly harden cap it off with that.

    now this is the best part. Make sure you half stand behind a tree so you only are half killed by flying debris.

    hit it lol

    dude i've watched the earth turn into a slinky style rapid wave pattern for like two seconds and everything near us like moved a little bit (Trees, buildings, me, obviously all the land) like a little ~~~~~~~ for not two seconds but it felt like it lol

    then you drill with the same drill through the exploded hole, where you set it off will have 2 feet left to get to the water bed (Where water will spring up) the explosion condensed the soil to the point where you now have a big ass dent in the eart in that one spot kinda circlish sometimes it's like an oval.

    When the machine hits the water table and water starts coming up 30 minutes from now you got a natural, spring pond in your backyard courtesy of some other guy that I know and his ability to make ponds anywhere, naturally

    also if you pack a bunch of it into any small container or tube it basically reacts in an explosive fashion, plus it's cheaper than shit

    Made for Pyrotechnic use only.
  2. #2
    Bradley Florida Man
    u still need to put in fortification tubes from the water table to your pond if you wanna keep it but that aint shit people be doing , just redrill it and you'll end up with one day a 20 foot pond a big ass circle behind your house if u keep drilling/bombing it open (Thermite does not work underwater unless sealed with an oxide near the primer)
  3. #3
    Bradley Florida Man
    i thinkt he cost of 10 feet of thermite is like 200$, very economical.
  4. #4
    just make it yourself

    breaking baddje style

    (I have no idea if this works)

    Isn't it just iron powder and an oxizer. I remember iron being part of it for some reason and it would explain why they use etch a sketches
    isn't it like tannerite which you can legally set off, people do it on youtube all the time. It's like ANFO , like it wont be on the shelf literally called ANFO but you can basically buy it from any store
  5. #5
    Originally posted by Bradley i thinkt he cost of 10 feet of thermite is like 200$, very economical.

    That pricing sounds terrible if you're just gonna set it off. I bet I could make twice as much for 1/3rd the cost
  6. #6
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    it's iron oxide and aluminium powder, add a little sulfur if you want it to burn hotter and faster

    I've never tried burning an 8ft pile of the stuff but it shouldn't explode, just burn real hot
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. #7
    Haxxor Space Nigga
    The process of igniting Aluminium and Ferric oxide is called thermite reaction. This is an exothermic (releases heat & energy) reaction. Iron obtained in this process is in molten state.

    Feβ‚‚O₃ (s) + Al (s) β†’Alβ‚‚O₃ + 2 Fe(l) + Heat.

  8. #8
    Originally posted by aldra it's iron oxide and aluminium powder, add a little sulfur if you want it to burn hotter and faster

    I've never tried burning an 8ft pile of the stuff but it shouldn't explode, just burn real hot

    I wonder if you can make one with magnesium ribbon or if there's other stuff you can use besides those to make some other pyrotechnic shit

    although iron and aluminum powder is probably cheaper. This kinda stuff always reminds me of

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. #9
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    you can use magnesium ribbon to ignite it, you'll have trouble with a normal torch because it takes a lot to get the reaction going

    you can also mix powdered magnesium in (20% or so from memory) to make it easier to ignite but it won't burn as hot
  10. #10
    Originally posted by aldra you can use magnesium ribbon to ignite it, you'll have trouble with a normal torch because it takes a lot to get the reaction going

    you can also mix powdered magnesium in (20% or so from memory) to make it easier to ignite but it won't burn as hot

    Surely someone has tried this with every metal and recorded the results
    like a Tikial

    Thermites I know, ignited and loved.

    If by Iron powder they meansomething like this it should be dirt cheap . I used to sell sacks of this stuff for like $50
    fertilizer grade monohydrate, the hexahydrate seems to be more common but I would guess based off nothing that you'd want less hydrogen in the mixture or else it could generate water
    Originally posted by Haxxor Feβ‚‚O₃ (s) + Al (s) β†’Alβ‚‚O₃ + 2 Fe(l) + Heat.
    water vapor maybe... but it needs the oxygen
    wait wtf is Feβ‚‚O₃ that's just rust. HOLDJE ON A SECOND

    idk if this is thermite grade or if you need like iron turnings, but on breaking bad they seem to use just a shitty iron powder. I have never seen a DIY industrial scale at home method for thermite, I always assumed it was just easy to make a fuck ton of it

  11. #11
    Bradley Florida Man
    Wow this sounds complicated will respond when not really drunk
  12. #12
    Originally posted by Bradley Wow this sounds complicated will respond when not really drunk

    It's not honestly it's literally basically just alt.gunpowder

    I frequently forget how to make that. Charcoal, piss and sulfur. Pretty sure that's it

    I bet tannerite is just two random metals grinded together . The ite means it's probably a rock or something! I dropped out of school at a young age!

    The targets comprise a combination of oxidizers and a fuel, primarily aluminium powder, that is supplied as two separate components that are mixed by the user
    I remember infinityshock fucked around with tannerite a lot I think he even used some to kill a nigger. I bet if you put his name into search with thermite you will get some good shit. Fuck I can't resist

    Originally posted by infinityshock that was so far from the recipe…much less the exact one…that you may as well have posted the directions on the 'exact recipe' for plutonium.

    thermite and thermate are not the same thing, tard.

    My penis is erect

    Not to be confused with??? Motherfucker copper OXIDE .. does it.. spark up perhaps???
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