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  1. #1
    Cowboy2013 African Astronaut

    Someone posted this on Zoklet, maybe even totse.

    I was just reading it in my spare time. A lot of them have poor illustrations and I think the descriptions are usually bad too.

    Thoughts on the book? Any other simple booby traps worth mentioning?

    I think Speedy is old enough to have been in Vietnam, but the fact that he's here may mean he didn't find any good ones.
  2. #2
    Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Well he never told people what happened to his nose so maybe he got one of those cigars meant for Castro.
  3. #3
    Paladin Press rings a bell
  4. #4
    when I search paladin press

  5. #5
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013

    Someone posted this on Zoklet, maybe even totse.

    I was just reading it in my spare time. A lot of them have poor illustrations and I think the descriptions are usually bad too.

    Thoughts on the book? Any other simple booby traps worth mentioning?

    I think Speedy is old enough to have been in Vietnam, but the fact that he's here may mean he didn't find any good ones.

    this is a mentalist form of mantrap. to play the trigger, anchor, reach game or tar

    or rat if you reverse it.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. #6
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by β˜†$Pβ‚³C3πŸπŸŒŸπŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ»κ’°βŒβ– Ο‰β– κ’±πŸ‘πŸΏπŸͺ$H33PπŸ‘πŸŒ› Paladin Press rings a bell

    make a avatar of mine with a vertical hold like yours

    but keep it the same gif movement
  7. #7
    Bradley Florida Man
    bro you just opened up a rabbit hole of discussion I would love to have. If you never heard about them go read about them, if you have read about them or have experience please let's share everything we know. Not speculation like 90% of this website (Pete Green/Paul Wozny has never made a fucking punji or nail caltrop stick in his life)

    Also expect I will misspell the names of every single foreign technique or tool I mention, unintentionally, if I get a couple right I'd be surprised.

    1, Perimeter Wire. Perimeter wire can take on drastically different forms, and are legal in the United States for campers, like adventurers, or nutjobs anyone can buy them. It's essentially a wire between two posts (typically trees, tho I have heard of buildings) and when tripped one side will disengaged, typically a warning goes off via siren or flashing lights will go off, with a couple hours of fun, you can make four that discharge shotgun shells with buckshot randomly in the direction of your choice, (easiest is just aiming them down the string that they tripped at knee height, ensuring something hits something) Very good protection against deer, trespassers, aliens, and anything else thatmight come into your campground at night.

    The ugly punji, now this is a simple adaptation of the classic pitfall trap, except you're a gook making 40 of these in 12 hours so you're gonna cut some corners, Literally in any foot path, dig a 2x2 hole, put sticks in it that are sharpened, use hardwood, cover them in human feceses and tap them in with a cushion over the point, refile if you need to afterwards, you literally just want them facing the center on all 4 sides, but give that nigga a 15 inch drop before he hits your shit covered poles.

    A favorite of mine in places like forests is the simple nail in the 2x4 trick, except we not dumb fucks here in wisconsin so instead of the 2x4, take any simple log of 4 inches in width and 3 foot in length and using any form of an axe or hard full tang knife blade, beat that bitch into two semi equal halves. I't snot important you're gonna make a lot of them as soon as one of them works for you. Nails are put at weird angles from the softwood to the bark, to create a 145 degree of pointness throughout, now i do this in the dark so if you make a mistake or splinter the wood, or don't put enough on one side, who gives a shit.

    Take the other side and do the same, remember to disable a vehicle you only need to pop two tires no matter how badass and don't give a fuck they feel, so when they roll over the nails, it will enter, they get about 1/4 of a rotation of the wheel and they will be removed from the tire well. I like using two at a time, throw some grass over them a little bit that also is in the road way/vehicle track marks they are most likely to follow.

    I will post many many more if there is an interest.
  8. #8
    Bradley Florida Man
    One of my favorite things to study when I had morbid fascinations as a kid was Vietkong Boobie Traps, the tunnel system known as the Ho Chi Minh trail, and the ability of a bunch of rice farmers to fend off not one (france) but two (USA) empires successfully.

    Before Vietnam the USA had lost 1 war (the civil war) where you can't really win and you always lose as you're fighting half your country with your other half, and they proved I don't remember how many people live in Vietnam but that a small group of rice eating, cannibal, communist, rice farmers can win a war and repel the imperialist Americans (despite 25 years earlier America whomped hitler and japan who had equal militaries)

    it was a testamenet to the ingenuinity (i'm so high and misspelling shit but idgaf) of the vietnamese people that they were able to adapt to unforeseen circumstances with France) and then confidantly increase their ability to conduct the same side of off side guerilla warfare that one them the first bout.

    Impressive. I don't think Vietnam will ever be invaded by anyone simply because it's worthless and these people put up a fucking hell of a fight.

    And it is now all recorded including instruction manuals translated, live examples, and historical information relating to ever trap, technique, weapon, tool, and methodology used during that 50 years of war in their rain forest.

    So fuck yeah I read everything that's interesting as fuck.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. #9
    Bradley Florida Man
    Where you think the taliban got the idea for using IEDs and taking sniper/rpg pot/pop out shots from to repel the Russians in the 1980s?

    They're like the vietnam did it against the americans, studied their logic and applied it to the Iraq/Afgahanistan/their organization.

    Then when the americans showed up 20 years later, they're like we got this.
  10. #10
    Bradley Florida Man
    Remember that IEDs are just a combination of 3 ingredients and ten minutes with a shovel. I mean the sky is the limit when it comes to man trapping, just don't let the bag burst while you're doing it.
  11. #11
    Bradley Florida Man
    I think that pressure cooker bomb in Boston and people attacking random strangers is bullshit and if you're gonna kill random people start with yourself, but if this is for perimeter or your own property to protect you from wild animals and men who mean to cause you harm by entering your home with weapons and ill intent, I have no problem explaining to you how funny it would be to (Never did this) make an electric door knob on a door with no lateral spin door knob hold, so you'd have the ability to let people in it and out by simply pushing in the door if the dead bolt wasn't engaged, but if you touch the door knob (as most people who aren't familiar with how crazy you are) which most people are gonna grab the door knob to see if it's open first especially if there's a door knob and a dead bolt, they're not just gonna push it or start ramming it with all that noise.

    when it zaps him, from what i've read only, he will grip even harder and if you don't notice you don't notice bro, give it a couple minutes, apparently it will make your property smell really fucking bad for awhile.

    Unplug everything and say you don't know how he got electrical burns on your fucking door knob it's not even a locking knob and show them it lol
  12. #12
    Reddit is all up in arms about Abbots use of those buoys to stop the illegal immigrants. ITS NOT LEGAL FOR ME TO BOOBY TRAP MY OWN HOME HOW IS THIS EVEN LEGAL HE SHOULD BE DRAGGED OUT AND SHOT.

    Its not a booby trap if its a gigantic orange floating thing with metal blades all over it. lol.
  13. #13
    shotgun shell/ rat trap
  14. #14
    Bradley Florida Man
    Mantrapping is illegal in the state of Wisconsin.

    If another man is killed by a man trap and in the commission of a felony, it is Second Degree Homicide.

    If an innocent man is killed by a man trap and NOT in the commission of a felony it is First Degree Pre Meditated Homicide by an Auxiliary Weapon.

    These are extremely serious charges. Someone who isn't known to me except through dreams only used them extensively in the woods while poaching and doing other white trash activities that require a large perimeter. Mostly my favorite has been the tire stoppers on the little roads cut into the woods because if they are good people you only fuck up their tire, no one's walking around there at night and if they are fuck them, and as soon as you hear a tire or two pop, they gotta get out of their car, get flash lights, start figuring out how they're gonna jack up this truck on a grass trail (which typically requires a piece of wood) see that they've been booby traps, and that loud ass POP WHOOOOOSH *then their come out with flash lights* gives you, and whoever you're with, ample time to escape forward before anything else can happen, just remember to pull the sticks out of the road where you're heading cuz you should put 2 down (20 feet apart, different sides of the tracks) about 450 feet away, so incase them fucks get throught he first one somehow or replace their tire and keep going forward, they hit the second one and just give up on life.

    Men attempting to reach a target will change a wheel in 5-10 minutes easy, in the rain, in the snow, no fucks given, the second they hit the same trap on the other side, it's highly unlikely they had 2 spares, and they're sure as fuck not as excited to replace it and go forward in 5-10 minutes with all speed ahead.

    a very effective strategy at keeping people from bringing vehicles onto your property at night, combine with a trail cam and you can sit back, get stoned and laugh from your farmhouse at length.
  15. #15
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    are stink bombs illegal? overwhelm them with stink.
  16. #16
    Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley One of my favorite things to study when I had morbid fascinations as a kid was Vietkong Boobie Traps, the tunnel system known as the Ho Chi Minh trail, and the ability of a bunch of rice farmers to fend off not one (france) but two (USA) empires successfully.

    Before Vietnam the USA had lost 1 war (the civil war) where you can't really win and you always lose as you're fighting half your country with your other half, and they proved I don't remember how many people live in Vietnam but that a small group of rice eating, cannibal, communist, rice farmers can win a war and repel the imperialist Americans (despite 25 years earlier America whomped hitler and japan who had equal militaries)

    it was a testamenet to the ingenuinity (i'm so high and misspelling shit but idgaf) of the vietnamese people that they were able to adapt to unforeseen circumstances with France) and then confidantly increase their ability to conduct the same side of off side guerilla warfare that one them the first bout.

    Impressive. I don't think Vietnam will ever be invaded by anyone simply because it's worthless and these people put up a fucking hell of a fight.

    And it is now all recorded including instruction manuals translated, live examples, and historical information relating to ever trap, technique, weapon, tool, and methodology used during that 50 years of war in their rain forest.

    So fuck yeah I read everything that's interesting as fuck.

    There's a lot of crazy stories about the Vietcong. Poisonous snakes and stuff. Something like that or even spikes that stop people from wanting to run will make them easy targets. The psychological part of it may be more important than the trap actually killing or seriously injuring the person. Them always having to watch their step.

    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked Reddit is all up in arms about Abbots use of those buoys to stop the illegal immigrants. ITS NOT LEGAL FOR ME TO BOOBY TRAP MY OWN HOME HOW IS THIS EVEN LEGAL HE SHOULD BE DRAGGED OUT AND SHOT.

    Its not a booby trap if its a gigantic orange floating thing with metal blades all over it. lol.

    How does it work?
  17. #17
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 There's a lot of crazy stories about the Vietcong. Poisonous snakes and stuff. Something like that or even spikes that stop people from wanting to run will make them easy targets. The psychological part of it may be more important than the trap actually killing or seriously injuring the person. Them always having to watch their step.

    How does it work?

    And they would make the spike traps and smear shit on the spikes so when people fell on them they'd be way more likely to get an infection around the wounds lol
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. #18
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 How does it work?

    its just semi submersible orange spinning buoys with sharp stuff in between them to keep people crawling over the skinny parts.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. #19
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I would just swim under them lol
  20. #20
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 There's a lot of crazy stories about the Vietcong. Poisonous snakes and stuff. Something like that or even spikes that stop people from wanting to run will make them easy targets. The psychological part of it may be more important than the trap actually killing or seriously injuring the person. Them always having to watch their step.

    Part is psychological terror of constantly wondering will this step be the next, the tunnels were used because Vietkong men have the bodies of 10 year old White girls, the openings were so small (think a shoebox) and 40 would climb out of them, shoot at soldiers (Who walked past the opening) and shoot them in the back and ambush them, so even when they were making progress, they had to wonder if they were gonna get shot in the back or a step in the wrong direction.

    The vietkong had a favorite tactic of the split box, this was a box that when stepped on (not really a box but a fold in double set wood doors in a hole), they would be caught, unfortunately everything was rigged in a downward V so pulling made you stuck more, the West/America prefers to never leave anyone behind, even at unbeatable odds. Knowing this had double effects

    If we wound one and he's still alive, 3 men will leave the combat arena 2 to carry each side of him and him to carry 1 1/2 legs all the way back to their base.

    If we wound 1, the others will have to stick in that one semi-clear spot, as we fire at them from multiple positions in the brush, because they cannot evacuate without the man caught in the trap, we will be able to fire at them at will like fish in a barrel until they are dead or we run out of ammunition.

    At which point 3 or 4 men would be straggler positioned, and the rest would run back to the shoe box hole, everyone dive in, the 3-4 would turn into 1 man, and he would typically be the fastest and smallest among them,and he would run back, secure the hatch and pretend he's just some gook grabbing banana leaves to roll his rice up in for supper.

    An extremely effective strategy.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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