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hey cowboy2313

  1. #1
    Bradley Florida Man
    I will help bring Backyard Ballistics back to a vibrant forum with you. I remember you had an interest in posting things. I would be more than happy to try to post some things to engage other members into sharing knowledge. If not I have Telegram if I redownload it and we can share one to one, I Feel like you have old man ideas and I study a lot.
  2. #2
    Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Lol wym old man ideas? Aldra is probably the best person to help get it going if he's around a lot. Besides that we just need more people posting.

    I was just reading this ebook somebody posted on W&C way back but had shitty illustrations. I know of groups on telegram that may be good for recruiting people for W&C and Bad Ideas though.
  3. #3
    Bradley Florida Man
    aldra is the smartest person when it comes to geopolitics or any other niche formal subject in the world.

    That nigga couldn't crush a grape in a food fight.

    DUde's my friend and I respect him, but I don't believe he has anything to add to discussions of war, weapons, or using science against men; outside of his great knowledge of what he read, without having actually attempted to understand in person as workable or bullshit.

    This is my opinion, I like him a lot but I don't believe he's ever had much firearm experience, weapons eperience, military training (in person), or explosives learning trial and learning lol experience. His opinion is great but just liek sophie believing .38 and 9mm were "close enough" I don't believe Aldra has any great form of interpersonal/close combat experience to tell me what works reliably.

    You probably do, most vets do, I listen to all of it. But Aldra, you must understand, is a genius. He can read in four months about 10 subjects in 10 lengthy books, and seem like he really gets it. Yeah he does, but he doesn't actually know the fact you aren't gonna be counting shots when you're seeing snaps of white blurring your vision as you're behind a car door and trying to make more white clips back at them while wondering if you're mothers voice will ever be heard again by her little boy.

    he just starts condensed and properly (nigga aldra i know you're going to read this so here's your fucking compliment) sifted through to remove the bullshit, but that nigga aint no killer, he just really well educated and smart on top of it.
  4. #4
    Bradley Florida Man
    adlra been in two serious fights and both were against his big sister when he was 6 and 10-type shit.

    I will listen to him explain geo politics, history, humanities type subjects as well as his opinion on all arrays of bullshit topical discussion.

    But asking people who have never fired an M80 their thoughts on making IEDs is the same as asking a smart child their opinion on being a parent.
  5. #5
    Bradley Florida Man
    like yeah you get a response, but that nigga has no hands on experience beating someone senseless in their cell because he kept trying him

    not the dojo i go to,

    yeah he read everything you could possibly know about close combat hand to hand fighting

    but if he never hit anybody how does he know it's not bullshit cuz half the education i have goes out the fucking window the moment i'm scared
  6. #6
    Bradley Florida Man
    like in closed spaces most people don't understand the best thing you can do is use all these fucking objects , you aint even gotta grab them, bounce them into corners, push them back against a chair or table, slam them side to side in closehallways

    u ever been to prison this is basic fucking education, if you can get that motherfucker to fall down, well you got a palm and they're currently stunned bounce that palm as hard as you can against them until you get 3-4 bounces, if you want kill him at that point (highly not recommend) and if he wants more he'll stand up and be dazed and confused, hurtle him as hard as you can accross a table and tell him to fuck off.

    where you gonna read that and know it.
  7. #7
    Bradley Florida Man
    but that's one of them things that when it happens to you once you do it to everyone else when possible

    fighting in like not rings but parking lots or shit where there's not objects is way fucking hard, no walls, no tables, no chairs, idk if peopel are just retarded or i get lucky with this, i make people keep going backwards or to bad spots, sometimes i entice them to come into where i know i have an understanding of the layout giving me advantage, TF someone gonna do when you bounce them against the cinderblock wall three times and ask them if they're good, slam them a fourth time and say "You good" and get them facing the door of the cell

    i mean god damn, they didn't expect that out of some dumb fucking white boy that talks to much and read books all day did they

    and if u fuck up and bounce them once and they win and punch you 16 times in the face and neck, well shit, nigga, if they're a little sore and if I didn't get fucked over by some jig with a grudge against white people in county jail im probably gonna be okay for the rest of this

    Also i'm careful to never have much of value that can be stolen, nor do I walk around my ghetto with anything except a debit card, i leave my chain and phone at home and my wallet, and just carry one card that requires pin
  8. #8
  9. #9
  10. #10
    Originally posted by Bradley aldra is the smartest person when it comes to geopolitics or any other niche formal subject in the world.

    That nigga couldn't crush a grape in a food fight.

    DUde's my friend and I respect him, but I don't believe he has anything to add to discussions of war, weapons, or using science against men; outside of his great knowledge of what he read, without having actually attempted to understand in person as workable or bullshit.

    This is my opinion, I like him a lot but I don't believe he's ever had much firearm experience, weapons eperience, military training (in person), or explosives learning trial and learning lol experience. His opinion is great but just liek sophie believing .38 and 9mm were "close enough" I don't believe Aldra has any great form of interpersonal/close combat experience to tell me what works reliably.

    You probably do, most vets do, I listen to all of it. But Aldra, you must understand, is a genius. He can read in four months about 10 subjects in 10 lengthy books, and seem like he really gets it. Yeah he does, but he doesn't actually know the fact you aren't gonna be counting shots when you're seeing snaps of white blurring your vision as you're behind a car door and trying to make more white clips back at them while wondering if you're mothers voice will ever be heard again by her little boy.

    he just starts condensed and properly (nigga aldra i know you're going to read this so here's your fucking compliment) sifted through to remove the bullshit, but that nigga aint no killer, he just really well educated and smart on top of it.

    he would electroplate acid etch your bones and make them into a necklace and sell it at a vietnamese flea market actually. Just becuase guns are legal in your country doesn't make you an expert in shit
  11. #11
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Bradley This is my opinion, I like him a lot but I don't believe he's ever had much firearm experience, weapons eperience, military training (in person), or explosives learning trial and learning lol experience. His opinion is great but just liek sophie believing .38 and 9mm were "close enough" I don't believe Aldra has any great form of interpersonal/close combat experience to tell me what works reliably.

    honestly neverr said I did; the only gun I've ever fired was a .22 rifle when I was a kid. I've experimented a little with explosives but never lived far enough out to be able to do it without fucking up and getting redsky'd
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