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the forums are dead?

  1. #21
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Someone Buy me a Heckle Fish plush Doll from A.J.s WT Files channel on Youtube. I'm super poor right now

    this video reminds me of him. Lizerd Peepolez

  2. #22
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    It's pretty realistic though. why buy a fish aquarium when you can go to target, buy a 300 dollar cheap TCL 65 inch screen and loop an aquarium video on it thats 20 hours long.

    save you big bucks on fish feed

  3. #23
    Originally posted by Pete Green I think you guys read my mind at times because I was saying not long ago "I need a fax machine" to Gigi who has a scanner printer but not a line to run the fax on it. I'd have to go buy a very long cat3 to reach the kitchen.

    and then remembered that old computers had fax machines but then again it was a dialup era and not broadband.

    so its interesting that a service online could be used.

    Off topic but I put on 4k Aquarium for the TV I bought Gigi for her birthday last year. its a Sony Bravia and its really weird because I see a black shadow of a fish and thought, oh it's trailing from the other fish and the fish suddenly turns and goes behind it. and Im like OH SHIT A SHADOW-FISH PERSON in the aqaurium cause that's really what it looks like. Like am I seeing this or is it just my imagination and its real and shit.

    the fuck you on About?

    I got into fax machines because I want to start an underground ezine

    need a cool way to get people to send me articles. Email is meh, fax is LIT

    Originally posted by Infinityshockrates i donwloaded BBS bank software, a credit card validator and virtual fax software that apparently works. I'm gonna fucking set up ANSI fax holy shit, the future is cool as fuck

    i spent a month cracking out on FAX
  4. #24

    this guy says it best

    if you don't have a fax you aint a real biz

  5. #25
    Originally posted by justlaugth many people say that the forums are dead

    You see the problem here right dumbo?
  6. #26
    Originally posted by Pete Green It's pretty realistic though. why buy a fish aquarium when you can go to target, buy a 300 dollar cheap TCL 65 inch screen and loop an aquarium video on it thats 20 hours long.

    save you big bucks on fish feed

    Aquariums are a fun hobby, if you're worried about price than yeah its not as cool if you can't ball out on african cichlids. When I worked at a pet store fish people were my favorite because they would be like these badass tatted up drug dealers like YEAH MAN LET ME GET ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE CLOWNFISH FOR MY BRACKISH VIVARIUM

    you can get a pretty decent setup for $300 budget, Get the biggest tank you can find secondhand and the rest of the budget all for decora

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