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Twitch Star Giveaway: Chaos in NYC

  1. #1
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Ahahahahaha "Inciting a Riot"? dude just offered gifts and it turned to gibs for his frens and the cops arrested him for being Santa Clause?

    meanwhile murderers in a rotating door.

  2. #2
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    On the one hand, I agree it's kinda bullshit. Bro's worst sin was thinking his audience could be trusted to behave themselves, and that seems like a reasonable thing to expect of your fellow humans. On the other hand, it only seems like a reasonable thing to expect if you accept he and they are your fellow humans. the demographics of his audience are known to him. he offered an audience with huge numbers of black males aged 17-25 (military age, and also the ages at which most violent crimes perpetrated by males occur) fucking PS5s. you literally could not pick a better lure if you intended to amass an army of listless young black men in one place for nefarious purposes.

    i mean... even disregarding the race aspect. i'm really only bringing that up at all because i can on this website and if i don't someone else will. i don't actually believe it's a hugely significant factor in what happened. it's mostly the age and sex parts.

    you're risking violence getting any group of like... literally even 2 ~randomly selected males around that age gathered up in one spot. fuck dude, guys that age are so full of violent impulses (as a demographic, relative to all others) that one of them standing there on his own might start reenacting that one scene from fight club. and the risk only increases the more of them there are and the longer they're standing there, being bored. getting a couple hundred, or a couple thousand of them together? and making them wait for hours to win a PS5? in a giveaway that, to my knowledge, didn't even end up taking place because of chaos caused by the sheer number of attendees? yeah bro you were inciting a riot.
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