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Favorite Hexcodes for colors

  1. #1
    Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    I call this one Stereo Pants Blue and I use it all the time #04CFD3 ███████ Home HardWare Orange for that big job #fd9767 ████████ NIS TOTSE BLUE the puke carpet cat puked on my dick kinda color #212B46 ███████████
  2. #2
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Infinityshockrates I call this one Stereo Pants Blue and I use it all the time #04CFD3 ███████ Home HardWare Orange for that big job #fd9767 ████████ NIS TOTSE BLUE the puke carpet cat puked on my dick kinda color #212B46 ███████████

    the color maps is dull because it's old technology. how do you make the colors less matte and more sheen?
  3. #3
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    im guessing its a layered affect to create sheen on top of the old 6 digit color coding.

    its good to study if you do art though because its universal
  4. #4
    Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    sheen???? idk wut you mean. i;m nawt 2 teknically skilled on any of this shit tbh and I also fuck with emojis alot and skitzo stuff, but ANSI colors are definitely blessed
    this gives me idea for a bannerSCRONSOFT OFFICIAL ART SOURCE MATERIAL RELEASE; in BOTH .PNG & ANSI ☺↓▲ dl

    ⛧ ⛥̴̺̣̗́ ̶̰̹̀̑⛥̴̱͂͝ ̸̼̗͐̐͒ ̸̛͎̒͘Ì̴̲͇͈ ̷̱́̇Ȟ̴̘̞͙̔̕Ȃ̷̠͗V̵̈͂̉ͅE̷͙̰͙͝ ̷̨̹͖̈́͌R̸͙̥͔̔̓E̴̹̤̤͂͂͊Ắ̵͇͉͓͐C̴̟̜͖̐́̉H̵̭̔̀Ē̸̱̱̇͋D̴̢̉̆ ̷̫͒6̴͙͘6̸̡̟̑̑̾6̵̻̝͝ ̶̨̘̥́̈́P̶̜̹̠̚O̶͈̖̳̓̏͑S̵̘̎̈̄T̶͇͔̑Ṣ̷̨̌̽̚ͅ,̷̗̄ ̷̧̩̠̔̈G̸̨͈̍̈́́ͅÓ̸̥͛Ī̴͍̇̈Ň̸̢̡̬̄̊G̴͍̹̔̕ ̴̣͙̓͜͠B̸͙͔͍̓Å̴̲̤̻C̷̰̞͂K̸̬̘̈́̈́ ̷͎͌T̷̡̲͌̈́͘O̷̝͐ ̸̫̿H̵̼͚̠̽͐Ȅ̸͍͈L̶̳̬̹̀L̶͇̳͛͠ ̶̪̗́N̶̗̟̍̈́Õ̷̠̳̊̌W̸̜͔͐̊͝.̵͙͎̮̉̉ ̶̧̪̚P̵̳͂̈́͝É̸̬̦͂Ā̶̢̨̩̍̏C̸̲̺̆̇͘Ę̷̓̾͂ ̸̗̉́⛧̴̲̹̊̔ ̶͚̺͉̏̏͝⛥̸̯̽ ☠I HAVE REACHED 666 POSTS, GOING BACK TO HELL NOW. PEACE⛧
    I HAVE REACHED 666 POSTS, GOING BACK TO HELL NOW. PEACE⛧ ⛥̴̺̣̗́ ̶̰̹̀̑⛥̴̱͂͝ ̸̼̗͐̐͒ ̸̛͎̒͘Ì̴̲͇͈ ̷̱́̇Ȟ̴̘̞͙̔̕Ȃ̷̠͗V̵̈͂̉ͅE̷͙̰͙͝ ̷̨̹͖̈́͌R̸͙̥͔̔̓E̴̹̤̤͂͂͊Ắ̵͇͉͓͐C̴̟̜͖̐́̉H̵̭̔̀Ē̸̱̱̇͋D̴̢̉̆ ̷̫͒6̴͙͘6̸̡̟̑̑̾6̵̻̝͝ ̶̨̘̥́̈́P̶̜̹̠̚O̶͈̖̳̓̏͑S̵̘̎̈̄T̶͇͔̑Ṣ̷̨̌̽̚ͅ,̷̗̄ ̷̧̩̠̔̈G̸̨͈̍̈́́ͅÓ̸̥͛Ī̴͍̇̈Ň̸̢̡̬̄̊G̴͍̹̔̕ ̴̣͙̓͜͠B̸͙͔͍̓Å̴̲̤̻C̷̰̞͂K̸̬̘̈́̈́ ̷͎͌T̷̡̲͌̈́͘O̷̝͐ ̸̫̿H̵̼͚̠̽͐Ȅ̸͍͈L̶̳̬̹̀L̶͇̳͛͠ ̶̪̗́N̶̗̟̍̈́Õ̷̠̳̊̌W̸̜͔͐̊͝.̵͙͎̮̉̉ ̶̧̪̚P̵̳͂̈́͝É̸̬̦͂Ā̶̢̨̩̍̏C̸̲̺̆̇͘Ę̷̓̾͂ ̸̗̉́⛧̴̲̹̊̔ ̶͚̺͉̏̏͝⛥̸̯̽ ☠
  5. #5
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    #0B EE F0
  6. #6
  7. #7

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny ████████

    Why aaaaff

    Is that your black dog's name
  8. #8
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    #BA DD AD
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. #9
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny ████████
  10. #10
    π§π§÷×∆®NIGGER√§•§•§ okay that's pretty badass 😎 it's like the smokey black grey N64
  11. #11
    nitendo joystick looks like a dick with deformed balls.
  12. #12
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra #0B EE F0

    nanometer 666 =red

    #0B EE F0 is baby blue
  13. #13
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny nitendo joystick looks like a dick with deformed balls.

    No it doesn't. you need to grow up acting like an asian infinityshock
  14. #14
    Originally posted by Bombay Trap Star

    Why aaaaff

    Is that your black dog's name

    just experimenting
  15. #15
    A favorite color far Totse has come...
  16. #16
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson A favorite color thread…how far Totse has come…

    just look at that BONE WHITE

    ██████ BONE WHITE

    ██████████████████its like night and day!
  17. #17
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    this is still the best blue
    coral btw
  18. #18
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    what key combination makes a tile square?
  19. #19
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Pete Green nanometer 666 =red

    #0B EE F0 is baby blue

    Oh B EEEEEEE FOE cause Blue is no longer LIBERAL but FAR WUO LEFT
  20. #20
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra #BA DD AD

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