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You Collectively Did Something Wrong. Didn't You?

  1. #21
    Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    Sorry but I don't keep up with DH drama hurrr durrr muh technologist alts!!!!


    who thye fuck cares

    you DGD nutters need to get a life. Polecat said it best I think

    Originally posted by EllariaSand Great idea…..get Mullett too…..I’ve got some interesting screenshots of pm’s from your buddy tech both Heather & Mullett would really enjoy 👍

    Originally posted by POLECAT well as usual sex and dating chat folks are more modern and accepting of the reality's of the world today and the dgd folks are old a stuck in there old fashion ways, filled with scorn and anger,, not tech tho

    Originally posted by POLECAT she speaks the truth,, most of you redundant cocksuckers came from s&d chat you left when you got over run by 20"s chat,, see you old retarded cunts couldn't keep up and it pissed y'all but you couldn't do a thing about it so Y'all ran away to dgd,, I stayed as I am a far more superior humorist and I like younger people I kept the new folks from 20's entertained for years while you old cocksuckers went senile and majored in redundancy in dgd.

    just so you know ,, redundancy is not humor and its only funny to folks with low IQ

    Originally posted by POLECAT it is one site but some of us didn't jump back n forth like little needy slutz,, no offence

    and yea occasionally i would venture over to dgd but its a whole other level of nutters over there most came from s n d c when the 20's crew invaded sndc years ago

    Originally posted by Siouxsie_Q Well… the profile inknpink was of a young, attractive female. She was a 'reg' and already respected & (admired)by quite a lot of Dh members by the time I returned with my brand new profile I was using at the time: ready2post.
    I never had any dealings with the profile personally, and (she) & I never actually spoken together but I had some odd suspicions at times when I thought her language was more spoken like a male poster might say.
    One night I happened to be reading a thread wherein ink was fighting with some guys. One poster (I can't recall who) said she was 'John' in disguise. I personally disagreed with that revelation. But anyhow…
    there was a guy member that flew to Colorado (where she supposedly lived) and he was to meet with her and …get together. I forgot his username by now too. Well, he came on Dh claiming that the profile was fake and he had been 'catfished' and then at that same time there was a poster that was getting close with ink (allegedly) claiming they were actually together. It appeared that way, reading their posts anyway. I forgot his name, too. But he was on Forumsauce for some time, as I recall. I was over there at the time, too. My memory is full of cobwebs now, lol…it's been quite some time but I can tell you that one frigidly cold evening, he announced on a brand new thread in DGD that HE was behind the ink profile and he apologized to all the Dh members for the hoax. If I'm off on any facts about this 'lil incident, people, do correct me please. As I indicated, it's been awhile and my memory has some cobwebs. But I do recall it was the most intriguing, most spellbounding incident that I had ever read/followed in the entire 8 years I'd been on Dh at that time. I was on the edge of my seat! Some good reading there. LoL

    Originally posted by POLECAT lala, boss, Jill and myself are from s&d chat the others are from dating general discussion two totally different forums,, red jumps back n forth cuz she is a freak dgd is known for being long winded ranters that cant read when they get mad they just spew shit on everybody. luckily the ones that migrated from dgd to here are pretty nice people even tho they hung out in dgd with the other nutters

    Originally posted by POLECAT tech seems to be an intelligent dgd human unlike the known NUTTERS ell and alpo who cant play nice at all dew tew the crazy jellyness up in there empty heads.

    I'm about to round up several other dhr's in an attempt to get them on here to even the score as the new cup doesnt seem to be herself on here so My next txt is to Heather,, I know she would provide much needed entertainment

    Originally posted by joerell You sound like Hitler…because of him failing he wanted all of Germany to be destroyed before he committed suicide. Funny way of winning and you call others nutters. Lol. The only thing you would win is a stupidity prize and well earned. You're the one going out of your mind and it's hilarious. Have Tech, Mikey and yourself ever thought of just apologizing and move on instead of pretending to be Born Again posters and making fools of yourselves.
  2. #22
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Feds dont talk to me because they just didn't believe me or they did but didn't care because Im not a pretty actress like the one that lost her phone with nudies and they all jumped at the chance to find them and share them before giving them back
  3. #23
    Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    yes. very wrong.

    -What did he do to make this house so evil?
    -Murder, vampirism, cannibalism, drug addiction, alcoholism, sadism, mutilation
    -How did it end?
    -If it had ended, we would not be here
    I'm hiding in the shadow from the demons that I battle
    I'm a psycho with a hypodermic needle in my ankle
    My cerebral has a fire breathing ego that exists
    I'm evil, people lock my sights and burn you to a crisp
    My sentiments are venomous, I'm poisonous to enemies
    No cure, there is no remedy – death will be the penalty
    I'm menacing, inventive with demented thoughts of grandeur
    Temper is explosive, I'm a boiling pot of anger
    Middle-aged mutant, deformed monstrosity
    Do not have the audacity to fuck with this atrocity
    Reform, deform, creeper in a tree fort
    Deport, back into my country, read the report
    Igor.. "why dey wanna pick on little me for?"
    C4 explosives, I'm ferocious by the seashore
    Keep it, you will reap it, I will give it all I got
    I'm strategic, devil's reject, I will think then I will plot (Blah!)

    I will have the last laugh, I'm a fuckin' bad man
    Surround my house with sand bags, like in fuckin' Bahgdad
    They don't feel the fire yet? They will feel the back draft
    Hand makin' bullets when I'm listenin' to Black Flags
    Selectors, they are sodomized, detecting me on satellite
    Sneak across the border to Seattle with a pad and mic
    DJ play a battle break, I'm battling on stage
    I'm a rattle snake, you kids should not be rattling my cage
    And I don't give a fuck about a rapper with a buzz
    I'll happily attack him and extract a little blood
    Like packing an exacto, I'm exact with the result
    Your friends can ask what happen, you'll say "Crap, it was my fault.."
    I'm an albatross, fuckin' falcon claws
    Half mountain lion, countless crimes but I'll be fine
    My blood is mixed with alkaline
    Kill the little monster, he is obviously insane
    He's probably just a goblin that has problems with his brain

    I go to bed at night, I'm dreaming of revenge
    But I'm tossing and I'm turning, candle burning at both ends
    I wake up asking "Don't you hear the laughing?"
    They don't hear it
    Every night I pray to God, "Protect us from these evil spirits."
    Lyrics like I'm touched by the angels; I'm dangerous
    Put my words together in the strangest arrangements
    I'm blooming from my vanity; illuminate insanity
    Accumulating doom related lines that leave you panicking
    A samurai; I guess I glamorize being traumatized
    Promise I will never compromise with these homicides
    An alliGAYtor salivating, calibrating jaws
    Rap of malady I'll gravitate to gladiator dogs
    Divine separatist, rhyme defined specimen
    Combine efforts, align sublime specialist
    I design, refine lines is my weaponry
    Trying to find destiny, God provides recipe

  4. #24
    Originally posted by Pete Green Run away gang. Run away; there is no place to stay!

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