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i was cucked again yesterday

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    again polish white trash teens. why are pollacks so against sex i still dont get it and its so fucking hard finding a hooker amongst them even the white tradh or unemployed poverty bitvhes? inliterally invited two teens to have a beer with me walking by in the same pub me and star trek hung out at but outside and they did and were happy to get a beer each not just one but all of a sudden claimed ro be hungry. the conversaiton went well etc they seemed interested and i invited them over but they said they were hungry and also wanted some shit for their electric cigarette. i ende dup getting food and spending wuite a lot actually on them for it on top of the beers but not the ecigarette enhancement ad i knew they were playing me. the agreement would be they would come over and wed have a threesome at first it was just for this the food and the enhancement but later it was somewhat hinted that i could pay 200 zloty for it but they wouldnt ket me leave it on the tbsle and collect it later which to me was a red flag so i said what about half first and half after the sex. they sort of agreed or said we will talk at your place on specifics. their whole get down like every other time was to get free shit off me and fuck me. they claimed after i get the enhancement the younger one or 16 year old (the other was 18) had to go to her pad or inside gate and show their dad shes fine and tlak to him as he gets worried than leave with me. it was obviously a ploy. but later they said they will give me head and the younger even suggested rim me like i never even brought this up and just kept playing me. and these enhancements ar eonly like three buvks so i gave in but when i was about to go into the store with them they had a gorup of like their friends outside and said that oh are friends are there so the obvious ploy was for me to buy them the enhancements and never come home with me but go to their friends and say sorry bye so i never bought them. but i fucked up anyway buy spending the money on the food and beers and these trashy teenage pollack bitches. one of them suggested st first we should eat at my place or the 18 year old and this is where I think I fuvked up. because once they were at my pad it could have worked but I still think they do not hook or prositutte themselves and the white trash of poland do not even do this like even the poverty people it is like in this country there is some rufking stigma against sex and all they do is play dudes or scam them for money or stuff and never put out unlike the ukrianian or other ones from all over europe or evenw estern europe.
  2. #2
    Originally posted by Wariat again polish white trash teens. why are pollacks so against sex i still dont get it and its so fucking hard finding a hooker amongst them even the white tradh or unemployed poverty bitvhes? inliterally invited two teens to have a beer with me walking by in the same pub me and star trek hung out at but outside and they did and were happy to get a beer each not just one but all of a sudden claimed ro be hungry. the conversaiton went well etc they seemed interested and i invited them over but they said they were hungry and also wanted some shit for their electric cigarette. i ende dup getting food and spending wuite a lot actually on them for it on top of the beers but not the ecigarette enhancement ad i knew they were playing me. the agreement would be they would come over and wed have a threesome at first it was just for this the food and the enhancement but later it was somewhat hinted that i could pay 200 zloty for it but they wouldnt ket me leave it on the tbsle and collect it later which to me was a red flag so i said what about half first and half after the sex. they sort of agreed or said we will talk at your place on specifics. their whole get down like every other time was to get free shit off me and fuck me. they claimed after i get the enhancement the younger one or 16 year old (the other was 18) had to go to her pad or inside gate and show their dad shes fine and tlak to him as he gets worried than leave with me. it was obviously a ploy. but later they said they will give me head and the younger even suggested rim me like i never even brought this up and just kept playing me. and these enhancements ar eonly like three buvks so i gave in but when i was about to go into the store with them they had a gorup of like their friends outside and said that oh are friends are there so the obvious ploy was for me to buy them the enhancements and never come home with me but go to their friends and say sorry bye so i never bought them. but i fucked up anyway buy spending the money on the food and beers and these trashy teenage pollack bitches. one of them suggested st first we should eat at my place or the 18 year old and this is where I think I fuvked up. because once they were at my pad it could have worked but I still think they do not hook or prositutte themselves and the white trash of poland do not even do this like even the poverty people it is like in this country there is some rufking stigma against sex and all they do is play dudes or scam them for money or stuff and never put out unlike the ukrianian or other ones from all over europe or evenw estern europe.

    no, you are cucked every day you continue to live as a cuck so stop being a cuck and you wont get cucked

    you have nobody to blame but yourself
  3. #3
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    How so. How would you have done it? If you know Polish teens are super scandalous and usually rip you off instead of make you a client how would you deal with them? They have no scruples or fear of just ripping you off or lying.
  4. #4
    Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    You suck at life Wariat and are too dumb to not be played by these people. Your mom and dad are tired of sending you money to buy gifts for drunk 15 year olds. Just end it.
  5. #5
    cigreting Dark Matter
    Outsmarted by 15 year olds...again
  6. #6
    warriat, just get a vehicle. ideally a van.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. #7
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    it is totlaly worthless to even try to find a polish teen hooker or any polish hooker if any of you ever are in europe its a total waste effort on literal pqrasites. go for ukrianian chec hungarian even german any other country. no one does this shit.
  8. #8
    Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    Most people go their entire lives without ever getting cucked

    This guy does it daily and keeps trying lmao take a hint loser nobody wants you
  9. #9
    Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Wariat it is totlaly worthless to even try to find a polish teen hooker or any polish hooker if any of you ever are in europe its a total waste effort on literal pqrasites. go for ukrianian chec hungarian even german any other country. no one does this shit.

    I could do that easily in fact I have some wild friends involved in that life in Europe. They are woke and don't use terms like cuck and certainly wouldn't be found creeping on children in nightclubs
  10. #10
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    so they are not on the level of those guys who actively participate or work on oldje or bootleg on facial abuse then so they are not on the level i want to be.
  11. #11
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    what is so abd about wanting to fuck or do the same shit bootleg that skinny 50 something yr old heroin addict does to 18-20 yr olds on facial abuse? like why hate on me for wanting what he does and not on him for doing it?
  12. #12
    Originally posted by Wariat what is so abd about wanting to fuck or do the same shit bootleg that skinny 50 something yr old heroin addict does to 18-20 yr olds on facial abuse? like why hate on me for wanting what he does and not on him for doing it?

    pozzed as fuck
  13. #13
    cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny warriat, just get a vehicle. ideally a van.

    ya then drive it off a cliff
  14. #14
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny warriat, just get a vehicle. ideally a van.

    That's not in the budget.
  15. #15
    cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson That's not in the budget.

    ill buy it for him
  16. #16
    Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Wariat so they are not on the level of those guys who actively participate or work on oldje or bootleg on facial abuse then so they are not on the level i want to be.

    They are way more depraved than that , that's pussy shit they would call you a dumbass for thinking that's hardcore it's just dimb
  17. #17
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    See jig this is it. Even if I try to pay for it even if I offer in POland particularly amongst teen (one of whom was 18) it still wont work or doesnt work/ All theyll do is try to scam you without fucking.
  18. #18
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    the 18 yr old wasnt a child and she still didnt do nothing and cucked me and probably doesnt even put out or does nothing depsite benig some street trash who also sometimes does drugs.
  19. #19
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    should I have slapped them or her as I saw themw alking away later and they just said we gotta go and kept wlaking after they tried to scam me out of the ecig enhancements and got free food alcohol etc off me or what should I have done? If I did slap them could they not just call their friends or even the cops related to the 16 yr old since evn though its legal not if you press them techncially but they gotta offer it themselves or just slap the 18 yr old around or what should i have done to feel better after being treated this way? Sure i know what i should have done in terms of not just giving them the food right away elts eat at my palce but later i mean. also should you only pay after the sex or leave money on your table and not give it to them ebfore or into their wallets if they actually do or had come over especially being how they were or thieves and liers?
  20. #20
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    is it only like this with teenagers butr again one of them was 18 or only if you offer to pay street wlakers or people but in agencies nd shut i would have been fine. how the fuck does prostituion work without me being ripped off like this or lied to?
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