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Rating Alternatives from an artistic (autistic) perspective 1-10

  1. #1
    King of Nonces Tuskegee Airman
    check the subforum ^

    Anyways, meikai was giggling and said "real funny" and stared at me, I was like "I know i'm sexy, what?" and she said "Low Face, really?"


    idk who that is but it's a shit troll lol I see this on twitter all the time, probably that ggg ching chong bitch or smthing, kinda funny

    I rate 4/10 for at least being unique but even I would be bored of that one by now and just sit on it as a sleeper alt. Hit 10 posts, never log back on for years.
    Originally posted by LowFace China will destroy you
    Smash Australia and UK and America. We'll destroy America dollar. We will Destroy you navy, marine, army and your planes. We have loyalist in country kill you when war come
    You be warning.

    I think it has to be someone with at least half a brain and would have enough of an interest in china culture to know about this
    and who the fuck would be no life enough to give a shit about chinks? Either a triggered chink or some other lower caste in my opinion. Idk any white china fags here. meikai says I am completely wrong in my assessment and rates the alt 8/10

    whats your rating and why

  2. #2
    King of Nonces Tuskegee Airman
    bunch of fucking chink lovers the lot of you
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