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Is this true?

  1. #1
    Kafka sweaty
    Do people who have one night stands not see them as people? Bing disagrees.

    "No, that is not a fair or accurate assumption. People who are happy to have sex without emotional connection are not necessarily dehumanizing their partners. They are simply expressing their sexuality in a different way than you do. They may still respect, care for and communicate with their partners, even if they do not feel a deep emotional bond with them."
  2. #2
    kyli0x Yung Blood
  3. #3
    Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by kyli0x fax

    You agree with Bing?
  4. #4
    kyli0x Yung Blood
  5. #5
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    They see them as people not even worth pursuing as a booty call, anyway.
  6. #6
    Kafka sweaty
    Idk why im fine using sex toys but not people I don't have a bond with. I'm wondering if I can be cured of being demisexual if I stopped seeing people as people?
  7. #7
    Kafka sweaty
    It has nothing to do with looking for love. The bond can be any type.
  8. #8
    Kafka sweaty
    Why haven't I read any papers on this... I'm trying to find a cure because sex is beneficial for mental health (semen is actually an antidepressant) and the last person I slept with was my rapist and I can't bring myself to sleep with a stranger just to get over that.
  9. #9
    Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kafka Do people who have one night stands not see them as people?

    Depends on if they're human or not.

    Bing disagrees.

    "No, that is not a fair or accurate assumption. People who are happy to have sex without emotional connection are not necessarily dehumanizing their partners. They are simply expressing their sexuality in a different way than you do. They may still respect, care for and communicate with their partners, even if they do not feel a deep emotional bond with them."

    That's such jedi horseshit.

    If you want to enjoy fucking someone pretty much the most important criteria is that you are into them. You need to admire them, think they're cool, feel like they're impressive, etc. Nothing feels as good as cumming inside somebody who you like and admire.

    It sounds to me like you've signed up to fuck some of the sad pond scum that inhabit fetlife. While 1/1000 fetlife users are having highly athletic and life affirming sexual ecstacy with other attractive and capable beings, the vast majority of the userbase are pathetic. And it sounds like you're trying to talk you fucking some pathetic creature by repeating over-socialised jedi woke bullshit back to yourself.

    Maybe you need to stop lying to yourself and imagining yourself being a special snowflake rainbow flag lesbian and stop apologising for being a normal heterosexual female with normal heterosexual female wants and desires.
  10. #10
    Kafka sweaty
    Go fuck yourself
  11. #11
    Kafka sweaty
    When I go to a nightclub I feel 0 attraction toward everyone. I've never had a boyfriend by choice. No guy I've had sex with has made me cum, only Mik but that was online play and we had the prerequisite bond. I have never been infatuated with a guy, only three girls whom I had a bond with first. They had little in common, only that they were Libra and two had Aspergers, so that's my type, but it's not my type unless there's a bond first. I exist and you can't change that, this is nature.
  12. #12
    Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Just finger yourself until the urge goes away, buy a new sex toy. Fuck people.

    Also lol at "semen is an antidepressant" Yeah I bet
  13. #13
    Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kafka When I go to a nightclub I feel 0 attraction toward everyone. I've never had a boyfriend by choice. No guy I've had sex with has made me cum, only Mik but that was online play and we had the prerequisite bond. I have never been infatuated with a guy, only three girls whom I had a bond with first. They had little in common, only that they were Libra and two had Aspergers, so that's my type, but it's not my type unless there's a bond first. I exist and you can't change that, this is nature.

    Wow, you sure are stunning, brave and special.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. #14
    Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    I've been eating my semen for years and I'm still depressed so explain that
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. #15
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Wow, you sure are stunning, brave and special.

  16. #16
    Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by Wariat lol

    Pretty much all women are neurotic, jealous, narcissistic, greedy, undersexed and empty.

    You might say something like "why did I settle for GG" - I say "why do you continue to chase fantasies".

    Kafka looks inside herself, sees a bog ordinary female emotional state, and instead of saying "I'm a typical woman, but let me improve myself" spins an elaborate fantasy of herself as some sort of rainbow-flag renaissance girl as a cope.
  17. #17
    Kafka sweaty
    Acc GG isn't a good example of the average female. But you deserve worse.
  18. #18
    Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kafka Acc GG isn't a good example of the average female. But you deserve worse.

    Not the average western female. And no, I deserve the best.
  19. #19
    Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Not the average western female. And no, I deserve the best.

    You're an entitled, ill-mannered, vulgar munchild and have probably never done manual work. Didn't you say yourself there was jedi in your family because of your obsession with money? You left her alone in Paris and are just a disillusioned creep nobody likes.
  20. #20
    Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Pretty much all women are neurotic, jealous, narcissistic, greedy, undersexed and empty.

    You might say something like "why did I settle for GG" - I say "why do you continue to chase fantasies".

    Kafka looks inside herself, sees a bog ordinary female emotional state, and instead of saying "I'm a typical woman, but let me improve myself" spins an elaborate fantasy of herself as some sort of rainbow-flag renaissance girl as a cope.

    Spot on.

    This used to be a discussion forum…Kafka uses it as a personal diary of her imaginary life and relationships….literally filling pages with me,me,me crap no one cares about…I doubt she even really autistic, just an average run of the mill self absorbed female approaching middle age and trying desperately to appear edgy and coming off as an ordinary boring cunt.
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