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the bottom line guys jig and jerry in particular

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    if I am not totslly in control like those guys on facial abuse or porn where the chick has to do what i ask or is paid for like an hour straight of doing nasty shit with a consent clause where she cant back ut like those guys on facial abuse have such a clause she wont do shit with me basically theyll take advantage of me or d as little as possibly sometimes no sex at all even when theyre 15/16 yrs old. Unless I figure ut to jin porn or do it like those guys on facial abuse with a clause and multiple dudes putting pressure on them with me at once so my weakness or softness or me letting in to them contrlling me instead of me contrlling them since im paying and wanting to do same shit as those guys in porn do it willl never happen guys. I either have to be totally in contrl or it wont happen. so i either join facial abuse or make a similar content clause and find one willing to sign it at that age in poland (i dont get why poland is so lame of all places or so square for being a poor east euro country but thats a diff discussion) r make my own porn company or a fake one and just pay them for the sick sex acts and tell them they wont be online or its not official porn but you can sign the agreement and do the same shit and it will be benefit because the world wont have to see what you did. not sure what i have to do to do that to a 16 yr old but if im not totally in control it doesnt seem it will happen.
  2. #2
    Originally posted by Wariat if I am not totslly in control like those guys on facial abuse or porn where the chick has to do what i ask or is paid for like an hour straight of doing nasty shit with a consent clause where she cant back ut like those guys on facial abuse have such a clause she wont do shit with me basically theyll take advantage of me or d as little as possibly sometimes no sex at all even when theyre 15/16 yrs old. Unless I figure ut to jin porn or do it like those guys on facial abuse with a clause and multiple dudes putting pressure on them with me at once so my weakness or softness or me letting in to them contrlling me instead of me contrlling them since im paying and wanting to do same shit as those guys in porn do it willl never happen guys. I either have to be totally in contrl or it wont happen. so i either join facial abuse or make a similar content clause and find one willing to sign it at that age in poland (i dont get why poland is so lame of all places or so square for being a poor east euro country but thats a diff discussion) r make my own porn company or a fake one and just pay them for the sick sex acts and tell them they wont be online or its not official porn but you can sign the agreement and do the same shit and it will be benefit because the world wont have to see what you did. not sure what i have to do to do that to a 16 yr old but if im not totally in control it doesnt seem it will happen.

    Write this out again where it makes sense and it's not a wall of mumbling text and I'll read it.

    Holy shit how do you believe you can teach English when your communication skills are ZERO.
  3. #3
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    like i wont get anything or maybe even will be lied to or taken advantage of if i dont get to be totally in control like those guys on facial abuse are.
  4. #4
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Write this out again where it makes sense and it's a wall of mumbling text and I'll read it.

    Holy shit how do you believe you can teach English when your communication skills are ZERO.

    dude i had another chick on instagram try to tell me what i should do with my life like this lowlife white trash can judge me or anyone and deny me even for money and act like a bitch, i had a chick who was even i believe over 18 in a store who gave me her instagram earlier only to block me right away when i checked later, i had this other one claiming to me like im some old fuck im not 18 when i asked her if shed like to get coffee some time only for me to tell her thats good i dont need you to be as long as youre over 15 its legal only for her to deny me. Like I said unless I am totally in contrl by joining facial abuse or set up a similar service or website in poland or a fake one not sure if this is legal but do similar shit but dont post it online later or something it wont happen with teens and me.
  5. #5
    Originally posted by Wariat dude i had another chick on instagram try to tell me what i should do with my life like this lowlife white trash can judge me or anyone and deny me even for money and act like a bitch, i had a chick who was even i believe over 18 in a store who gave me her instagram earlier only to block me right away when i checked later, i had this other one claiming to me like im some old fuck im not 18 when i asked her if shed like to get coffee some time only for me to tell her thats good i dont need you to be as long as youre over 15 its legal only for her to deny me. Like I said unless I am totally in contrl by joining facial abuse or set up a similar service or website in poland or a fake one not sure if this is legal but do similar shit but dont post it online later or something it wont happen with teens and me.

    Why are you getting into discourse with children/adolescences and letting them get the better of you?

    Just ask how much for a particular service, get an answer, arrange where/when the transaction will take place...that's it, that's all you have to do, asking what their favorite color is or do they like coffee will not get your ass licked any quicker or cheaper.
  6. #6
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    because I do not knw how to find them or 16-18 yr ld hookers out in the wild jig. They dont really exist in poland open outside of brothels or are in deial and wont admit it unless you are like their bitch or something or they trust you and own you basically. It is a weird country or place. Like there is no official red line type website here just scial media where msotly scam hookers exist. in the wild even the most white trash plces they seem to just be wild trash but not hook themselves like just act like white trash in all other ways with the drugs drinking hanging out with garbage etc. Like they are not easy to find outside of brothels which themselves are not easy to find and in them you wont find teens I doubt or it will be truly human trafficking type stuff I want no part of.
  7. #7
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Why are you getting into discourse with children/adolescences and letting them get the better of you?

    Just ask how much for a particular service, get an answer, arrange where/when the transaction will take place…that's it, that's all you have to do, asking what their favorite color is or do they like coffee will not get your ass licked any quicker or cheaper.

    how am I supposed to just ask randoms on the street in public hey lets go to the corner I got 50 zloty if you go with me? It takes a particular type of person with a lot of balls to do that like an arab which I am not.
  8. #8
    Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]
    Why do we have to justify your "legal" noncing everyday?
  9. #9
    cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Wariat how am I supposed to just ask randoms on the street in public hey lets go to the corner I got 50 zloty if you go with me? It takes a particular type of person with a lot of balls to do that like an arab which I am not.

    start asking men then faggot
  10. #10
    Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    I have a theory that Jerry is actually Bill Krozby on an alt and he faked his death years ago
  11. #11
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    What I wanna know is why Lanny subjects us to this torture everyday when he could just fly to Poland and kill wariat
  12. #12
    Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by RIPtotse What I wanna know is why Lanny subjects us to this torture everyday when he could just fly to Poland and kill wariat

    Submit a pull
  13. #13
    cigreting Dark Matter
    wats pul
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