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lol at this sh-t

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    translated from polish by google lol:

    "It was an amazing week.
    As I suspected, my neighbor also uses her dog. I was waiting for the moment when she would leave it to me for the time of going on vacation, and that's what happened. what and how to do so my assumptions that the neighbor is also having fun were confirmed. Once I thought that I would like to try with more than one dog so I could not miss the chance. For the whole week both dogs competed who would get to me first - in the morning when I got up, they immediately besieged me and just waited for me to let them, and so on all day for 6 days. I haven't had such a "ride" yet, but the situation when both were in me - it can't be described in words ... it wasn't easy but the sensations were amazing"
  2. #2
    "I never believed those readers letters you publish in your magazine...UNTIL ONE DAY..."
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