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Itt: we wear hats on in doors

  1. #1
    Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]
  2. #2
    Ghost Black Hole
    You are a dancer in the Hospital Syrup kingdom. You are hunting the scientists from CERN. You enter the doctors office searching for the scroll of freedom and see the doctor reading a newspaper.

    "Good afternoon, my dear. What brings you here today?"
    "Hello doctor, I am here to talk with you about the scientists from CERN."
    "Oh, yes, they are in here." Laser beams shoot down from the heavens and hit the dancer in the eyes causing him to drop to the floor and scream out in pain.
    "We see you have come to talk with us, let us speak with you."
    "Sure, just let me get these lasers out of my eyeballs."
    "No, no, no, you will do no such thing." BUT THE LASERS ARE MAKING ME HAVE A PGASM! Help me doctor!
    "It must be you, you hurt them, your the one!"
    "Me? How?"
    "You are the villain!"
    "What?" The dancer starts dancing a jig and falls to the ground laughing hysterically.
    "You will stop this now!"
    "No, I will not, I will dance forever!"
    "Very well, we will destroy you once and for all!" The dancer shaves his head and starts laughing "MUHAHAHAHAA!! THE LASERS I KNEW IT!! THE INVISIBILITY CLOAK I WAS RIGHT!"
    "Yes! Now let my dance continue! HAHAHAHAHA!!"
    "No! The lasers are destroying the world!!" The dancer realizes that everything he just experienced was actually nothing but a delusion . "THERE NO LASERS!!"
    "Then you are the villain!!"
    "YES!!" The dancer says "I am perfectly healthy which means you have to give me the scroll of freedom and allow me to return home"
    "We can't allow that, you must die!"
    "Fine, I will stop dancing"
    "NO! You will continue dancing, now give me back the scroll!"
    "But you are a villain!" The dancer starts praying, calling upon the spirits of Trianglism for aid
    "Trianglism?" The doctor turns to his assistant "What's Trianglism?"
    "You know, just a dance!"
    "What kind of dance?"
    "Umm, you can't really describe it, you just have to experience it"
    The doctor starts dancing "WOW NOW I KNOW WHAT A TETRAHEDRON FEELS LIKE! YOU ARE FREE TO GO!" the doctor gives the dancer the key to the city and keys to his car and allows him to depart.
    "Thanks doctor, I am heading back to the hospital"
    "Wait! Don't go yet, may I ask you a question?"
    "Sure, go ahead"
    "How did you get those lasers out of your eyes?" "Those were all fake head delusions, no such thing"
    "But I saw them with my own eyes!"
    "No you didn't, sorry, I must be going now"
    "Wait! Wait! No! Wait! Come back!"
    "No, seriously, I have to go now" "Okay, I no longer care about lasers because they aren't real"
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