2023-01-01 at 3:22 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
Od this one partixukar chick who fucked this white dog in porn and shes i dian and she fucking seemed so into the dog she let him like missionaey fuck her by putting her feet on the bed snd ass in air like wirh her so being into what she was doibg wirh her life or self at that moment she had her like hands badk like duck yea behind her.
2023-01-01 at 3:22 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
Thw reason i keep thinking about her wqs due to how into rhe fuckinf she was but also how young she was and indian.
2023-01-01 at 8:17 PM UTC
Why are you so into girls fucking dogs
2023-01-01 at 8:18 PM UTC
I'm really curious, your other fetishes I can say I kinda understand (though I don't share them or condone them) but like why is a girl getting fucked by a dog sexually arousing to you, like where do you cum in in the picture? Do u want to be fucked by large dogs too?
2023-01-01 at 11:36 PM UTC
POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret
[my presentably immunised ammonification]
you wood if you came to vt