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Ukraine Brit talks about useful and useless miltary kit

  1. #1
    Donald Trump Black Hole

    Interesting stuff on what stuff is useful in war and what isn't, by one of the guys who volunteered to fight in Ukraine and actually made it past the first week.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #2
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    pretty much just bring enough clothing for the climate and stick with reliable, tested gear rather than flashy tacticool stuff

    after I finished it youtbe sent me here and honestly I just love the intro sequence

  3. #3
    Lol, I like the badge on his Camo "I'M Special"
  4. #4
    Bradley Florida Man
    dude this guy has the worst lisp ever haha, I've never heard anyone with one this bad lol
  5. #5
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    thought this was interesting, saw it a while back and forgot about it. a list of the most common sorts of UXO you might find, mortar shells, rockets, mines, grenades etc.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. #6
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Interesting stuff on what stuff is useful in war and what isn't, by one of the guys who volunteered to fight in Ukraine and actually made it past the first week.

    thanks but i would prefer to listen to people who arent captured amd POWed.
  7. #7
    jerryb African Astronaut
    Best kit is not go fight other peoples wars.
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