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weird night two nights ago

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    i didnt post about this because i was bored and depressed all day and now have some beers in me but might as well tlak about it. i was at the bar i always go to now or where me and star trek hung out at and met these two weird dudes. like they were intense sort of but noticed i was sitting alone across a chick sitting alone and asked me or wondered why im not tlaking to her but staring at the wall. behind me was this other crazy part time or semi dealer of meth dude who i got earlier ina. spat with due to him scolding me the previous time i came from buying meth with this indian dude i met through the ukrianian dude who got me to try meth from another dealer and not him so i was sort of pissed. and i did cheers or hit glass with the chick but didnt see too much interest and jsut sat there and these two guys behind me started convo and invited me to join them. long story short we went out later as every abr was closed or flosing to this gas stattion and got like this liquor or vodka mix as i gave five bucks or 20 zloty and the guy threw some of this money and the third guyw as broke but basically he got some beers and the liquor. we had shots and this guy the twll one admitted he did some meth also earlier or snorted some amfetamine. to ke its all the same methadrome amfa or meth bot sure the differences or crystal.

    but anyway after a while i ended up almsot fighting with one of them not the taller dude who i just wrote about and who got me to join them but the other dude and it felt like an intense or real fight, like the guy was trying to really go at me and i wasnt sure if hed respect the tap. but basically at one point i threw a super hard body punch thwt connected to his elbo like he was able to block it but it was loud the i pact and the next day my fist swelled up and now its sort of still swollen a tiny bit but almsot normal again. and he like charged and i took him down but it was weird like as if this dude had training or like he was able to somehow get up after being down or twken down and i pulled guard and quickly reversed or swept him and said alright thats good as i knew at this point no point in throwing fake ground and pound or going further. but before thwt i remember trying to take him down and it like wouldnt work like this guy was harder to tske down than actual people who trian in mam or jiu jitsu gyms.

    the other skinny guy was saying to him yea he would have beat you he had you referring to me but than quickly started tslking shit saying but i feel or know in my heart i can twke you. i jsut see your posture or your body type and i know for sure id win. i kept tlling him maybe or it spossible but you never know for sure until it happns and he just argued with me and i almost took him on again but due to how intense and scary that sparring match with the other dude was and unpredictable whether he will turn it into a real ifhgt or not and just didnt feel right like somewhting was wrong with these two guys. so i just ended up drinking s bit more and leaving. its weird how in a gym you can keep going over and over sparring with people but a single intense thing like thwt or a real fight will make you back down or not want to anymore.
  2. #2
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    the other thing that was super weird was how my stiming skills or standup completely disappeared like im not sure if it was the alcohol or what i felt like i didnt know what to do or remember thinking how i suck until i pulled guard and used jiu jitsu sweeps. I thibk the skinny taller guy was teyibg to bait me to spar with him as wlel but something wqs odd about these guys and how bad i was doing.
  3. #3
    cigreting Dark Matter
    r u on meth
  4. #4
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    imagine if i was on meth a lot and constantly doing anal with like 13-16 yr olds. what would you guys say lol. obviously this isnt true im just curious what youd say if it was?
  5. #5
    if you enjoy anal you probably like to fuck men.
  6. #6
    slide22 African Astronaut
    Gulag Men
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