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How many people have you punched in the face?

  1. #21
    Originally posted by blaster master Spoken like a true Young Republican.

  2. #22
    blaster master victim of incest
  3. #23
    Originally posted by blaster master Hey, so what do you think Trump was doing with the documents he had? Is this all bullshit or was he planning to sell nuclear secrets?

    I already explained, I was going to make a nuclear reactor under Trump Tower to save on the electricity bills and power

    Why are you all such retards? It's called atoms for peace, and it's cutting my CO2 and methane emissions (I tend to be more gassy than average).
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #24
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Donald Trump I already explained, I was going to make a nuclear reactor under Trump Tower to save on the electricity bills and power

    Why are you all such retards? It's called atoms for peace, and it's cutting my CO2 and methane emissions (I tend to be more gassy than average).

    but but but muh back yard?!
  5. #25
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I dunno, not a lot

    a couple of times in school, a couple of times being a drunk retard around other drunk retards, that time I got jumped by lebos
  6. #26
    Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]
    Fona here, I have been punched in the face numerous times.
    Most of them where accidents but the funny thing is that every time someone purposely punched me in the face is that it didn't hurt at all.
    Each time it really did not register that the person was trying to hurt me in any way. They might as well have kissed me on the cheek.
    I always felt annoyed after the fact not having known what was happening in the moment.

    I remember 4 times off the top of my head that someone has hit me in the face out of anger.

    Once some kid on the school bus who I then simply squeezed passed so I could go home and play video games.

    Another time my roid raging neighbor hit me in the face but I was playing video games so I simply called him a faggot and told him to shut up.

    And then another time was some big black guy who was trying to rob me while I sat in my car who then got ran over by my car.

    And 1 other time a big black drug dealer punch me in the face who was also trying to rob me (after I had robbed him) and he just drove off mad that I didn't react.

    Side story, this one time a drug dealer kicked our door open and pointed a gun against my head demanding his $8 back and I was unaware he had a gun to my head so I was giving him a hard time about how he needed to fix the door and he just kept yelling "do you see what's in my hand?". "Do you know what's in my hand?". He was talking about a gun of course but it must have been in that blind spot in front of my nose because my girlfriend at the time had to explain it to me.

    He didn't get his $8 back and no one ever fixed the door. I feel like it was his fault for accepting fake $8 from me in the first place.
  7. #27
    Ghost Black Hole
    I am not much of a fighter but I have been in my fair share of scraps

    I punched a girl in the face before but she honestly deserved it for threatening to dial 911. I do not play around with that and am willing to do much worse to anyone that even jokes about contacting the fucking constabulary wtf who would do that

    threatening to slice someones throat is illegal but threatening to fake report them to 911 TOTALLY FINE even calling 911 because you are emotional psycho mentally ill retard over reacting THE COPS ARE COOL MAN but DO NOT EVER THREATEN ANYONE EVER or they will tackle your ass

    fuck society, y'all need a punch from GOD right in your stupid little faces
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