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Fona 9-12-2022

  1. #1
    BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Good morning guys.
    Beat Streets of Rouge last night which was awesome but stayed up pretty late doing so.
    Today I'm trying to get to work a little early but not sure if there will even be anything for me to do.
    Damn ass hole parked in my spot again this morning and I don't know who it is to go yell at them to move their shit.
    Just paid off one credit card but still owe $500ish on another one.
    Managed to fix the leaking toilet this weekend but did not get around to doing any of the windows.
    I'm hoping it stays warm enough that I can still get them done soon.
    We let the kid open a couple birthday presents last night and it was so good seeing her face light up.
    I won't be home for her birthday as I'll be at work so it was really nice.
    Anyways, I got to get ready for work.
  2. #2
    Ghost Black Hole
    did you see those pics I sent you man

    teach those kids to play minecraft show them the hardcore gamer way, they will learn coding by accident

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #3
    When did playing kids games become "hardcore" gaming.
  4. #4
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson When did playing kids games become "hardcore" gaming.

    Well, it was never a kids game or designed with children in mind at all. It was designed for autistic redstone dwarf fortress computer generated voxel nerds but had such wide appeal it became the most popular game in human history. The only small children that play this are learning how to play games or are savants that build a redstone computer literally i've seen 12 year old retard kids teach themselves redstone mechanics and I still can't understand that shit, it takes a certain brain.

    I bet a 16 year old kid made this and is gonna grow up to be like DOnald Trump or LaNNY and make the big bucks writing code, not some lame do nothing middle management job

    If you have any preconceptions or opinion without having ever played it than it just shows how culturally significant it has become that just mentioning it can evoke a range of emotion in anyone. Truly a timeless quality.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. #5
    Ghost Black Hole
    I remember when it was only 4chan people that played and then some little 12 year old snot nosed punk would log on your creative mode server with fly hacks placing dirt all over IM SORY HOW DO YOU TURN HACKS OFFF PLS DONT BAN ME IM BANEND FROM ALL OTHER SERVERS

    How else do you expect to teach children proper socialization when society forces them to stay inside with a mask on and revolve your life around "screen time"

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Ghost How else do you expect to teach children proper socialization when society forces them to stay inside with a mask on and revolve your life around "screen time"

    Society doesn't force them to stay inside...overly protective parents do...back in my day our parents kicked us out and said "don't come back to 8pm"
  7. #7
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Society doesn't force them to stay inside…overly protective parents do…back in my day our parents kicked us out and said "don't come back to 8pm"

    "Okay little Timmy go play at the park, ignore the tape and signs, The government only puts up signs because communists want to eat your brains in the tunnels.. tell the police you don't talk to road pirates and loudly shout AM I UNDER ARREST?? AM I FREE TO GO??"

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. #8
    Lol, imagine being scared of going outside.
  9. #9
    Ghost Black Hole
    imagine being 8 years old and logging into your older brothers world because he says he wants to show you his cool new house

    and seeing this
  10. #10
    Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson When did playing kids games become "hardcore" gaming.

    The IQ of the “gamer” must be taken into consideration
  11. #11
    Ghost Black Hole
    maybe parents should be buying kids bread boards computer kits and minecraft accounts instead of the newest ipad and fortnight skins

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