2022-08-19 at 9:35 PM UTC
I havent really ever been one to just pick up women. I'm kinda curious how to go about it. I saw a white girl that kinda looked like kafka working at the book store but i went as they were closing and she left ten minutes before i checked out my school texts. She smiled at me when i smiled at her. So as i was waiting for this faggy trolley i saw her again walking down the street, a pretty women the kind id like to meet, but she had headphones on and as i was thinking of a something to say to her a fucking old white homeless guy came up to me and started talking racism about how people like "us" built this city and how some "darkie" wrinkled her nose at him. He said he doesn't speak Spanish and when i said i don't either it really became the white power hour. By then the skinny white lady with the nice wrists and pig tails walked away down the street.
I was pissed! Yesterday i went to dollar tree and wanted condoms but they were out so i got 3 cans of whip cream and some cigarettes. This one lady had a beautiful Irish accent and super long hair. To my dismay she saw me outside inhaling the nitrous air from the cans and when i complimented her i had the scary deep inhalents voice and was really fucking high so i fucked that up for myself as well.
Gonna go shave my head so i don't look fucking 40 years old and keep trying.
2022-08-19 at 9:41 PM UTC
Be 6'4", have a crooked smile and an English accent move to Texas find a few dive bars, sit at the bar looking dark and moody...say loudly to the bar staff "Gimme a beer INNIT"...and then wait for the onslaught.
2022-08-20 at 3:15 AM UTC
duct tape and a baseball bat
2022-08-20 at 11:25 AM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
i have a similar issue with 16 yr olds or teenagers overall in poland. just gotta keep trying until it works thst one time.