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I walk around my place talking to myself, saying things like 'Folks, i'm 100 percent interested in fucking niggers!'...

  1. #21
    Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Ghost Theres a homeless guy sleeping in his own shit in my lobby so I'm not going outside today get fucking change pressed checking the mail

    If it were up to Justin Trudeau homeless drug addicts would just be allowed to waltz right into your house and shit on your coffee table then eat ur food
  2. #22
    Ghost Black Hole
    not HIS house though if you even honk a horn anywhere in his neighborhood they will send the mounted mooseman attack squad and 40 cops taser you all at once and your bank gets frozen for being a neo nazi anti vax piece of shit FREE TAMARA LYNCH!!!
  3. #23
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by aldra cracker isn't a funny word though

    I disagree, Chris Rock has some funny bits involving the word cracker. I remember one time in jail someone said the word "cracker" and I was playing poker in a cell with some people who were recruited by the gay ass Aryan knights and they wre3 all like "yo wtf" and got angry and I failed being angry too and yelled "hey bud my mom is white" which made people laugh and defused the situation

    So I guess it has some power and immediate reactive potential but obviously not as much as the ol nigger trigger
  4. #24
    Ghost Black Hole
    "white people spice their food with salt! lmao"

    maybe the british (the biggest laughing stock of whites that everyone hates)
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